Eminem woke up in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been dreaming about Lucca and the violent scene he had witnessed. It had felt all too real, and Eminem was still shaking from the intensity of the dream.

He stumbled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, trying to calm his nerves. As he poured himself a glass of water, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It was as if the dream had left an imprint on his mind, and he couldn’t shake it.

As he sat at his kitchen table, trying to make sense of it all, he heard a knock at the door. He got up to answer it, half-expecting to see Lucca standing there. Instead, he found a man he didn’t recognize.

“Hey, man,” the stranger said, flashing a smile. “I was just passing through the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by to say hi.”

Eminem was instantly on guard. He didn’t know this guy, and something about him set off alarm bells in his head. But before he could say anything, the stranger pushed past him and made his way into the kitchen.

“Nice place you got here,” the man said, looking around. “Real cozy.”

Eminem tried to keep his cool, but he was starting to feel uneasy. He didn’t like the way this guy was acting, and he didn’t want him in his house.

“Listen, man,” Eminem said, stepping closer to the stranger. “I don’t know who you are, but you need to leave.”

The man just laughed, as if he found Eminem’s warning amusing. “Relax, man,” he said. “I’m not here to cause any trouble. I just wanted to see what you’re up to.”

Eminem didn’t believe him for a second. He knew this guy was trouble, and he needed to get him out of his house before things got out of hand.

“Look,” Eminem said, his voice rising. “I don’t know what your game is, but you need to get out of here. Now.”

The stranger just smiled and took a step closer to Eminem. “You don’t understand,” he said, his voice low and menacing. “I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”

Eminem felt a surge of fear wash over him. He didn’t know what this guy wanted, but he knew he needed to get out of there. He made a break for the door, but the stranger was too quick. He caught Eminem by the arm and pulled him back.

Eminem struggled, but the stranger was too strong. He held Eminem in a tight grip, whispering in his ear.

“You can’t escape me, Eminem,” the stranger said. “I’ll always be here, watching. Waiting.”

And with that, the stranger disappeared, leaving Eminem alone in his kitchen, shaken and terrified. He didn’t know who that guy was, but he knew one thing for sure: he never wanted to see him again.


As Kendrick Lamar looked out the window, he saw the man sitting on the bench, and his heart skipped a beat. He had been dreaming about this moment for years, and now it was finally here. The man was a notorious drug lord who had been terrorizing the neighborhood for years, and Kendrick had been tasked with taking him down.

Kendrick took a deep breath and grabbed his gun, feeling a sense of nervous energy coursing through his veins. He had never killed anyone before, but he knew that he had no choice if he wanted to protect his community.

As he approached the man, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. The man looked up and saw Kendrick, but before he could react, Kendrick pulled out his gun and fired. The man slumped over, dead before he hit the ground.

Kendrick felt a rush of adrenaline as he watched the man’s body hit the pavement. He knew that he had done the right thing, but the weight of what he had just done was starting to sink in. He felt a mix of emotions - relief that the drug lord was no longer a threat, but also guilt and sadness that it had come to this.

As he walked away from the scene, Kendrick couldn’t help but think about how he had come to this point. He had grown up in a neighborhood where violence and crime were a daily reality, and he had seen firsthand how it could destroy lives.

But he had also seen the power of music and art to inspire change and bring people together. That was why he had become a rapper - to use his platform to speak out against injustice and inspire his community to come together and make a change.

And now, as he walked away from the scene of the crime, Kendrick knew that he had taken a step towards making his community a better place. It was a small victory, but it was a start.


Listen up, y’all, I got a story to tell ’Bout a princess from Jericoacoara, trapped in a spell She used to be a beauty, but now she’s a serpent With only her head and feet left, it’s truly absurd, man But there’s a way to break the curse, it’s no lie But it takes a real man, willing to die Only with the sacrifice of a human life Can she be freed from her reptilian strife

So who’s the man that’s brave enough to try? To face the danger head on, to do or die I’ll tell you what, I’ll be that man tonight I’ll take the risk, no matter what the price I’ll make my way to that hidden cave Where the princess and her palace of riches lay I’ll offer up my life, spill my blood on her back And watch the spell break, see her beauty come back

Princess of Jericoacoara, trapped in a curse Only a hero can break it, it couldn’t be worse But the reward is great, riches beyond measure For the one who frees her from her scaly treasure

So there you have it, my tale is done A story of courage, of battles won And though I may not reap the riches I seek I’ll have the eternal honor, of setting the princess free


I’m on a quest for truth, gotta keep searching Leaving the UN for the hills of Tuscany, I’m lurching Towards a deeper understanding of the world we’re in Theory of systems ain’t enough, gotta dig in

Prigogine’s dynamics is all well and good But it only explains local relations, understood? Whitehead said it, all relations are internal Entities are what they are, ’cause of connections infernal

So I looked to quantum physics, biology, and more And found evidence that things are connected to the core Internal relations linking consciousness with others A mystical experience, but science needs to uncover

The field of IQV, Y-(psi-), or akashic, as I call it It connects everything, never a moment to quit My books on the subject, they bring together the evidence Of a universal field, a connection to all that’s relevant

Coherence, correlation, and connection, all emerging In science, in biology, and in consciousness converging Einstein wanted a simple scheme to explain all I’m working towards that goal, to find the scientific protocol

So let’s research and develop this scheme It’s essential for science, and society it will redeem For a scientifically grounded understanding of our place In the universe, and the totality of our experience we’ll embrace


The end of the gods, the beginning of man Lif and Lifthrasir, the only ones to stand From their children, the Earth was populated But the introduction of Christianity, some celebrated

The weakness of the gods, a lack of care The destiny of men, determined by fate’s affair Individual norms, guiding each man’s way No intervention, let destiny have its say

Christianity came, with the notion of an afterlife The gods of old, lost their might But some practices and beliefs, still remain The victory of Christianity, over pagan’s reign

No central authority, no practical doctrine The pagan faith, struggled to gain traction Early Christian teachings, known by the North Associated with good and evil, a familiar sort

The heroic life, of the new faith Appealed to the warriors, their heroic fate The fusion of pagan and Christian belief Created a new bond, beyond earthly relief

The shaman bridged the gap, between heaven and earth But with the incarnation of Christ, a new bond gave birth The power of the Christian faith, in its unification Of the old and the new, creating a new generation

The heroism of the cloister, and missionary work A new kind of heroism, for those who shirk The pagan faith, a thing of the past Christianity, a bond that will last


I’m about to drop some real knowledge, So listen up, you cruel monsters, it’s time to acknowledge The power of love, and how it’s generated By the supreme Jove, who created A new kind of seed, with a new kind of sex Beautiful and malicious, and oh so complex Their chests, reserved for the Furies alone But Cupid’s arrows can pierce to the bone Don’t be ashamed of the flames of desire Even Jove himself was once consumed by their fire Whether in hell or up in the skies Love can burn bright, but it can also capsize Look at Narcissus and Hippolytus, and learn To be kind and compassionate, and never spurn Fedra’s love, even if it’s twisted and wrong Show her mercy, and help her move on Tirse sees good things in your future Don’t be blind to love, don’t be a loser Like Triton, who burned for Nereus’ daughter Tisbe was elusive, but he finally caught her With the help of Proteus, the sea shepherd Tisbe’s heart finally opened, no longer weathered When Girce was betrayed by Ulisses Triton vowed to avenge her, and he seized The winds and waves, and brought the Greeks to their knees Tisbe surrendered, and they had a million kisses, if you please From their love, the ocean was filled with new life Triton and Nereus had a brand new strife So listen up, young men, and learn the rules Of love and life, don’t be anyone’s fool Be careful, be cautious, don’t fall for the traps That love can set, and never look back With these lessons, you’ll conquer hearts and minds And build a legacy that will stand the test of time


A great destruction is coming to this earth A flood, a devastation that will give birth To a child that will survive, with his three sons While all of humanity will be undone

This child will procreate the fleshly giants A great punishment will wash away the defiance Enoch knew the secrets of the Lord above And saw in the tablets the future of love

Methuselah, Enoch’s son, heard these words And returned with knowledge, his mind in a whirl He named the child Noah, a survivor true To save his offspring from the corruptive stew

Enoch wrote a book for Methuselah to keep And for those after him, to avoid the sinful deep Wait until the wicked are consumed by fate Until sin passes and their names are erased

The spirits of sinners and blasphemers will burn In the fire without bottom, they’ll never return The righteous will bless the name of the Lord For their pure spirits have passed the test of the sword

God will reward those who love Him with passion Who endured suffering without earthly fashion They’ve loved the heavens with eternal zeal And praised His name with a heart full of appeal

The judgments of God are always right The faithful will dwell in the homes of light They’ll see those who were born in the dark Thrown into darkness, a life without a spark
