In [ ]:
open file_system_operators
open sm'_operators
open rust.rust_operators
open rust
In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
inl get_args () =
source_dir = "source-dir", 's'
dist_dir = "dist-dir", 'd'
cache_dir = "cache-dir", 'c'
hangul_spec = "hangul-spec", 'h'
In [ ]:
let get_command () =
|> runtime.new_command
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .source_dir) (
runtime.arg_required true
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .dist_dir) (
runtime.arg_required true
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .cache_dir) (
runtime.arg_required true
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .hangul_spec) (
runtime.arg_required true
In [ ]:
let crowbook hangul { ext dist_dir dist_path output_path } =
inl exit_code, result =
inl args =
inl default ext =
$'$" rendering.num_depth 6"'
+. $'$" rendering.highlight.theme \\\\\\"Solarized (dark)\\\\\\""'
match ext with
| "html" =>
+. $'$" html.css.add \\\\\\"\'"'
+. $'$" body {{ color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; }}"'
+. $'$" a {{ color: #989693; }}"'
+. $'$" pre {{ background-color: #1b1b1b; padding: 10px; }}"'
+. $'$" \'\\\\\\""'
+. default ext
| "pdf" =>
+. $'$" tex.paper.size a4paper"'
+. $'$" tex.template.add \\\"\\\\pagenumbering{{gobble}}\\\""'
+. (
if hangul |> not
then ""
$'$" tex.template.add \\\"\\\\usepackage{{polyglossia}}\\\""'
+. $'$" tex.template.add \\\"\\\\setmainlanguage{{korean}}\\\""'
+. $'$" tex.template.add \\\"\\\\setmainfont{{NanumGothicCoding}}\\\""'
+. $'$" tex.font.size 13"'
+. default ext
| "epub" =>
+. $'$" epub.version 3"'
+. $'$" html.css.add \\\\\\"\' "'
+. $'$" body {{ color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; }} "'
+. $'$" a {{ color: #989693; }} "'
+. $'$" \'\\\\\\""'
+. default ext
| _ => ""
runtime.execution_options fun x => { x with
command =
$'$"crowbook --verbose --to {!ext}"'
+. $'$" --single \\\"{!dist_path}\\\" --output \\\"{!output_path}\\\" {!args}"'
working_directory = dist_dir |> Some |> optionm'.box
|> runtime.execute_with_options
if result |> sm'.contains "ERROR" |> not
then (exit_code, result) |> Ok
trace Warning
fun () => "documents.crowbook / result contains ERROR"
fun () => { exit_code output_path result }
(exit_code, result) |> Error
In [ ]:
let hangul workspace_root hangul_spec { ext dist_dir dist_path output_path } =
inl lines =
|> file_system.read_all_text
|> sm'.split "\n"
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
|> sm'.trim
inl text =
|> am.filter ((<>.) "")
|> seq.of_array'
|> sm'.concat "\n"
|> fun x => $'$"{!x}\n\n"'
inl exit_code, result =
runtime.execution_options fun x => { x with
command =
inl hangulize_path =
workspace_root </> $'$"../vault/deps/hangulize/cmd/hangulize/hangulize{!(platform.get_executable_suffix ())}"'
$'$"{!hangulize_path} {!hangul_spec}"'
stdin =
fun stdin =>
inl stdin =
|> threading.arc_mutex_lock
|> resultm.unwrap'
text |> runtime.stdin_write_all stdin
|> Some |> optionm'.box
|> runtime.execute_with_options
inl result =
inl result =
|> sm'.split "\n"
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
inl result_len = result |> am'.length
(("", (0, 0)), lines)
||> am.fold fun (acc, (i, n)) x =>
if x = ""
then $'$"{!acc}\n"', (i + 1, n + 1)
inl acc =
inl i = i - n
if i >= result_len
then acc
inl line = result |> am'.index i
if i = result_len - 1
then $'$"{!acc}{!line}"'
else $'$"{!acc}{!line}\n"'
acc, (i + 1, n)
|> fst
result |> file_system.write_all_text output_path
trace Info
fun () => "documents.hangul"
fun () => { exit_code result_len = result |> sm'.length : int; output_path }
(exit_code, result) |> Ok
|> fun x => x : result (int * string) (int * string)
In [ ]:
let fix_paths { cache_dir dist_path ext } =
inl file_name = dist_path |> file_system.get_file_name
inl cache_path = cache_dir </> file_name
inl dist_path_no_ext =
|> sm'.slice 0 ((dist_path |> sm'.last_index_of ".") - 1)
inl cache_path_no_ext =
|> sm'.slice 0 ((cache_path |> sm'.last_index_of ".") - 1)
inl is_md = ext |> sm'.ends_with ".md"
inl output_path : string =
if is_md |> not
then $'$"{!dist_path}.{!ext}"'
else $'$"{!dist_path_no_ext}.{!ext}"'
inl output_cache_path : string =
if is_md |> not
then $'$"{!cache_path}.{!ext}"'
else $'$"{!cache_path_no_ext}.{!ext}"'
{ output_path output_cache_path }
In [ ]:
inl files_fn { dist_dir cache_dir } fn dist_path ext =
inl { output_path output_cache_path } = fix_paths { cache_dir dist_path ext }
inl equal =
if (output_path |> file_system.file_exists |> not)
|| (output_cache_path |> file_system.file_exists |> not)
then false
inl output_hash =
|> crypto.get_file_hash
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox'
|> resultm.get
inl output_cache_hash =
|> crypto.get_file_hash
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox'
|> resultm.get
output_hash = output_cache_hash
if equal
then None
match fn { ext dist_dir dist_path output_path } with
| Ok (exit_code, result) when exit_code <>. 0 =>
trace Info
fun () => "documents.files_fn / error"
fun () => { exit_code result }
new_pair output_path result |> Error |> |> Some
| Error (exit_code, result) =>
new_pair output_path result |> Error |> |> Some
| _ =>
if output_path |> file_system.file_exists
then output_path |> file_system.file_copy output_cache_path
else failwith $'$"documents.files_fn / {!output_path} should exist"'
output_path |> Ok |> |> Some
In [ ]:
let run { source_dir dist_dir cache_dir hangul_spec }
: async.future_pin (resultm.result' (am'.vec (resultm.result' (pair string (am'.vec (optionm'.option' (resultm.result' string (pair string string))))) sm'.std_string)) sm'.std_string) =
inl workspace_root = file_system.get_workspace_root ()
inl source_dir = source_dir |> file_system.get_full_path
inl dist_dir = dist_dir |> file_system.get_full_path
inl cache_dir = cache_dir |> file_system.get_full_path
trace Debug
fun () => ""
fun () => { source_dir dist_dir cache_dir hangul_spec }
fun () =>
inl files =
|> file_system.new_walk_dir
|> file_system.walk_dir_filter fun entry => async.new_future_move_send fun () =>
|> file_system.dir_entry_file_type
|> async.await_send
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox
|> function
| Ok file_type when file_type |> file_system.file_type_is_dir =>
| _ =>
inl path =
|> file_system.dir_entry_path
|> file_system.path_buf_display
|> sm'.format'
|> sm'.from_std_string
if (path |> sm'.ends_with ".md" |> not) || (path |> sm'.ends_with "")
then file_system.Ignore
else file_system.Continue
|> async.stream_filter_map_futures fun (entry : _ _ file_system.async_walkdir_error) =>
match entry |> resultm.map_error' sm'.format' |> resultm.unbox with
| Ok entry =>
|> file_system.dir_entry_path
|> file_system.path_buf_display
|> sm'.format'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> Some
| Error error =>
trace Critical
fun () => " / stream_filter_map"
fun () => { error }
|> optionm'.box
|> async.stream_collect_futures
|> async.await
trace Debug
fun () => ""
fun () => { files_len = files |> am'.vec_len }
|> async.into_par_iter
|> async.par_map fun file =>
inl file = file |> file_system.get_full_path
inl relative_path =
|> sm'.to_std_string
|> file_system.new_path_buf
|> file_system.path_buf_display
|> sm'.format'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> sm'.replace dist_dir (join "")
|> sm'.replace "\\" "/"
|> fun s => $'$".{!s}"'
inl file = file |> file_system.normalize_path
inl real_path = source_dir </> relative_path |> file_system.standardize_path
inl origin_hash_exit_code, origin_hash =
runtime.execution_options fun x => { x with
command =
$'$"git ls-tree --format=\'%%(objectname)\' origin/gh-pages \\"{!real_path}\\""'
working_directory = source_dir |> Some |> optionm'.box
|> runtime.execute_with_options
inl dist_path = dist_dir </> relative_path |> file_system.standardize_path
inl local_git_hash_exit_code, local_git_hash =
runtime.execution_options fun x => { x with
command = $'$"git hash-object \\"{!dist_path}\\""'
working_directory = dist_dir |> Some |> optionm'.box
|> runtime.execute_with_options
inl cache_path = cache_dir </> relative_path |> file_system.standardize_path
inl files =
inl files_fn = files_fn { dist_dir cache_dir }
inl files = [
"", dist_path, hangul workspace_root hangul_spec |> files_fn
inl { output_path } = fix_paths { dist_path cache_dir ext = "" }
inl files' = [
"html", dist_path, crowbook false |> files_fn
"pdf", dist_path, crowbook false |> files_fn
"epub", dist_path, crowbook false |> files_fn
"html", output_path, crowbook true |> files_fn
"pdf", output_path, crowbook true |> files_fn
"epub", output_path, crowbook true |> files_fn
[ files; files' ]
inl files' =
if origin_hash |> sm'.contains local_git_hash
then []
inl hash1 =
|> crypto.get_file_hash
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox'
|> resultm.get
inl hash2 =
if cache_path |> file_system.file_exists |> not
then None
|> crypto.get_file_hash
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox'
|> resultm.ok
match hash2 with
| Some hash2 when hash1 = hash2 => []
| _ =>
trace Info
fun () =>
" / par_map"
+. " / origin_hash |> sm\'.contains local_git_hash |> not"
+. " / Some hash2 when hash1 = hash2"
fun () => {
file real_path relative_path origin_hash_exit_code origin_hash
local_git_hash_exit_code local_git_hash hash1 hash2 dist_path cache_path
dist_path |> file_system.file_copy cache_path
inl files' =
if files' <> []
then files'
|> fun files =>
|> listm'.filter fun ext, path, fn =>
inl { output_path output_cache_path } =
fix_paths { cache_dir dist_path = path; ext }
if output_path |> file_system.file_exists
then true
elif output_cache_path |> file_system.file_exists |> not
then true
trace Info
fun () => " / par_map / files\' = [] / listm.iter"
fun () => { output_path output_cache_path }
output_cache_path |> file_system.file_copy output_path
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> am'.to_vec
|> am'.vec_collect fun files =>
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> am'.to_vec
|> async.into_par_iter
|> async.par_map fun ext, path, fn =>
fn path ext |> optionm'.box
|> async.par_collect
|> new_pair file
|> Ok
|> async.par_collect
|> Ok
|> async.new_future_move
In [ ]:
//// test
///! rust -d async-walkdir encoding_rs encoding_rs_io futures futures-lite rayon regex sha2
inl workspace_root = file_system.get_workspace_root ()
inl source_dir = workspace_root </> "../vault/target/documents"
inl dist_dir = source_dir </> "dist"
inl cache_dir = source_dir </> "cache"
inl file_name_no_ext = "test"
inl file_name = join $'$"{!file_name_no_ext}.md"'
source_dir |> file_system.directory_delete true
dist_dir |> file_system.directory_delete true
cache_dir |> file_system.directory_delete true
source_dir |> file_system.create_dir |> ignore
dist_dir |> file_system.create_dir |> ignore
cache_dir |> file_system.create_dir |> ignore
inl text = "# a\n\n## b\n\n---\n\nabc\nabc\n\nabc\n\nabc\n"
text |> file_system.write_all_text (source_dir </> file_name)
text |> file_system.write_all_text (dist_dir </> file_name)
inl html_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name}.html"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl pdf_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name}.pdf"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl epub_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name}.epub"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl hangul_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name_no_ext}"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl hangul_html_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name_no_ext}"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl hangul_pdf_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name_no_ext}"' |> file_system.absolute_path
inl hangul_epub_path = dist_dir </> $'$"{!file_name_no_ext}"' |> file_system.absolute_path
run {
hangul_spec = "por-br"
|> async.block_on_futures
|> resultm.unwrap'
|> sm'.format_debug'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> _assert_eq (
Ok (
(dist_dir </> file_name |> file_system.absolute_path),
|> am'.to_vec |> am'.vec_map (Ok >> >> Some >> optionm'.box)
|> fun x => x : _ (_ (_ _ sm'.std_string))
|> am'.to_vec
|> am'.vec_map
|> fun x => x : _ (_ _ sm'.std_string)
|> sm'.format_debug'
|> sm'.from_std_string
dist_dir |> file_system.directory_delete true
dist_dir |> file_system.create_dir |> ignore
text |> file_system.write_all_text (dist_dir </> file_name)
run {
source_dir = source_dir
dist_dir = dist_dir
cache_dir = cache_dir
hangul_spec = "por-br"
|> async.block_on_futures
|> resultm.unwrap'
|> sm'.format_debug'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> _assert_eq (
Ok (
(dist_dir </> file_name |> file_system.absolute_path),
|> am'.to_vec |> am'.vec_map (( >> optionm'.box)
|> am'.to_vec
|> am'.vec_map
|> fun x =>
x : am'.vec (
(string * am'.vec (optionm'.option' (resultm.result' string string)))
|> sm'.format_debug'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> file_system.read_all_text
|> _assert_eq "# 아\n\n## 브\n\n---\n\n아브크\n아브크\n\n아브크\n\n아브크\n"
|> file_system.read_all_text
|> sm'.contains "<p class = \"rule\">***</p>\n<p id = \"para-1\">abc abc</p>"
|> _assert_eq true
|> file_system.read_all_bytes
|> sm'.slice_contains "%PDF-1.5"
|> _assert_eq true
|> file_system.read_all_bytes
|> sm'.slice_contains "application/epub+zip"
|> _assert_eq true
|> file_system.read_all_text
|> sm'.contains "<p class = \"rule\">***</p>\n<p id = \"para-1\">아브크 아브크</p>"
|> _assert_eq true
|> file_system.read_all_bytes
|> sm'.slice_contains "%PDF-1.5"
|> _assert_eq true
|> file_system.read_all_bytes
|> sm'.slice_contains "application/epub+zip"
|> _assert_eq true
00:00:00 v #1 file_system.create_dir / { dir = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/target/documents } 00:00:00 v #2 file_system.create_dir / { dir = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/target/documents/dist } 00:00:00 v #3 file_system.create_dir / { dir = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/target/documents/cache } 00:00:00 d #4 / { source_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents; dist_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist; cache_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache; hangul_spec = por-br } 00:00:00 d #5 / { files_len = 1 } 00:00:00 d #6 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = git; arguments = ["ls-tree", "--format='%(objectname)'", "origin/gh-pages", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/"]; options = { command = git ls-tree --format='%(objectname)' origin/gh-pages "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents", ) } } 00:00:00 v #7 ! fatal: Not a valid object name origin/gh-pages 00:00:00 v #8 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 128; std_trace_length = 56 } 00:00:00 d #9 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = git; arguments = ["hash-object", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"]; options = { command = git hash-object "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 v #10 > ba0ba7eb68b2a508ff0525bcbb91bd5ebc95e71b 00:00:00 v #11 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 40 } 00:00:00 i #12 / par_map / origin_hash |> sm'.contains local_git_hash |> not / Some hash2 when hash1 = hash2 / { file = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; real_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/; relative_path = ./; origin_hash_exit_code = 128; origin_hash = fatal: Not a valid object name origin/gh-pages; local_git_hash_exit_code = 0; local_git_hash = ba0ba7eb68b2a508ff0525bcbb91bd5ebc95e71b; hash1 = f87ee09ec1dadc95e06e23bef39aa3185381d285bb9ca41a8a112061a6f504ec; hash2 = US3_1; dist_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:00 d #13 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 34 } 00:00:00 d #14 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/deps/hangulize/cmd/hangulize/hangulize; arguments = ["por-br"]; options = { command = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/deps/hangulize/cmd/hangulize/hangulize por-br; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = Some( fable_library_rust::module_3bd9ae6a::FuncType::Func1<alloc::sync::Arc<std::sync::mutex::Mutex<std::process::ChildStdin>>, ()>, ); trace = true; working_directory = None } } 00:00:00 v #15 > # 아 00:00:00 v #16 > ## 브 00:00:00 v #17 > --- 00:00:00 v #18 > 아브크 00:00:00 v #19 > 아브크 00:00:00 v #20 > 아브크 00:00:00 v #21 > 아브크 00:00:00 v #22 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 28 } 00:00:00 i #23 documents.hangul / { exit_code = 0; result_len = 34; output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/ } 00:00:00 d #24 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 62 } 00:00:00 d #25 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "epub", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "epub.version", "3", "html.css.add", "' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } '"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to epub --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set epub.version 3 html.css.add \"' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } '\" rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 d #26 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "html", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "html.css.add", "' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } pre { background-color: #1b1b1b; padding: 10px; } '"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to html --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set html.css.add \"' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } pre { background-color: #1b1b1b; padding: 10px; } '\" rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 d #27 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "html", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "html.css.add", "' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } pre { background-color: #1b1b1b; padding: 10px; } '"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to html --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set html.css.add \"' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } pre { background-color: #1b1b1b; padding: 10px; } '\" rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 v #28 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #29 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #30 ! 00:00:00 v #31 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate epub... 00:00:00 v #32 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #33 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #34 ! 00:00:00 v #35 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate html... 00:00:00 v #36 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #37 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #38 ! 00:00:00 v #39 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate html... 00:00:00 v #40 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"#link-1\">아</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #41 ! 22:34:44 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated HTML (standalone page): 00:00:00 v #42 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"#link-1\">a</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #43 ! 22:34:44 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated HTML (standalone page): 00:00:00 v #44 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 392 } 00:00:00 d #45 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "pdf", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "tex.paper.size", "a4paper", "tex.template.add", "\\pagenumbering{gobble}", "tex.template.add", "\\usepackage{polyglossia}", "tex.template.add", "\\setmainlanguage{korean}", "tex.template.add", "\\setmainfont{NanumGothicCoding}", "tex.font.size", "13", "rendering.num_depth", "6", "rendering.highlight.theme", "Solarized (dark)"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to pdf --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set tex.paper.size a4paper tex.template.add "\pagenumbering{gobble}" tex.template.add "\usepackage{polyglossia}" tex.template.add "\setmainlanguage{korean}" tex.template.add "\setmainfont{NanumGothicCoding}" tex.font.size 13 rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 d #46 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 11612 } 00:00:00 v #47 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 385 } 00:00:00 d #48 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 11586 } 00:00:00 v #49 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #50 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #51 ! 00:00:00 v #52 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate pdf... 00:00:00 v #53 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::latex: Attempting to run LaTeX on generated file 00:00:00 d #54 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "pdf", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "tex.paper.size", "a4paper", "tex.template.add", "\\pagenumbering{gobble}", "rendering.num_depth", "6", "rendering.highlight.theme", "Solarized (dark)"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to pdf --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set tex.paper.size a4paper tex.template.add "\pagenumbering{gobble}" rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 d #55 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = crowbook; arguments = ["--verbose", "--to", "epub", "--single", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--output", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", "--set", "epub.version", "3", "html.css.add", "' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } '"]; options = { command = crowbook --verbose --to epub --single "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --output "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/" --set epub.version 3 html.css.add \"' body { color: #e8e6e3; background-color: #202324; } a { color: #989693; } '\" rendering.num_depth 6 rendering.highlight.theme \"Solarized (dark)\"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:00 v #56 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #57 ! CROWBOOK 0.17.0 00:00:00 v #58 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #59 ! 00:00:00 v #60 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate pdf... 00:00:00 v #61 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Ignoring YAML block: 00:00:00 v #62 ! 00:00:00 v #63 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::book: Attempting to generate epub... 00:00:00 v #64 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) crowbook::latex: Attempting to run LaTeX on generated file 00:00:00 v #65 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: Add resource: "stylesheet.css" 00:00:00 v #66 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: render_opf... 00:00:00 v #67 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="title_page.xhtml", mime="application/xhtml+xml" 00:00:00 v #68 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: content = Content { file: "title_page.xhtml", mime: "application/xhtml+xml", itemref: true, cover: false, reftype: Some(TitlePage), title: "Title" } 00:00:00 v #69 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="chapter_000.xhtml", mime="application/xhtml+xml" 00:00:00 v #70 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: content = Content { file: "chapter_000.xhtml", mime: "application/xhtml+xml", itemref: true, cover: false, reftype: Some(Text), title: "a" } 00:00:00 v #71 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="stylesheet.css", mime="text/css" 00:00:00 v #72 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"title_page.xhtml\">Title</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #73 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"chapter_000.xhtml\">a</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #65 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: Add resource: "stylesheet.css" 00:00:00 v #74 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: render_opf... 00:00:00 v #75 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="title_page.xhtml", mime="application/xhtml+xml" 00:00:00 v #76 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: content = Content { file: "title_page.xhtml", mime: "application/xhtml+xml", itemref: true, cover: false, reftype: Some(TitlePage), title: "Title" } 00:00:00 v #77 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="chapter_000.xhtml", mime="application/xhtml+xml" 00:00:00 v #78 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: content = Content { file: "chapter_000.xhtml", mime: "application/xhtml+xml", itemref: true, cover: false, reftype: Some(Text), title: "아" } 00:00:00 v #79 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::epub: id="stylesheet.css", mime="text/css" 00:00:00 v #80 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"title_page.xhtml\">Title</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #81 ! 22:34:44 [DEBUG] (1) epub_builder::toc: rendered elem: "<li><a href=\"chapter_000.xhtml\">아</a></li>" 00:00:00 v #82 ! 22:34:44 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated EPUB: 00:00:00 v #83 ! 22:34:44 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated EPUB: 00:00:00 v #84 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 1333 } 00:00:00 v #84 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 1326 } 00:00:00 d #86 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 4934 } 00:00:00 d #87 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 4882 } 00:00:01 v #88 ! 22:34:45 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated PDF: 00:00:01 v #89 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 359 } 00:00:01 d #90 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 8038 } 00:00:01 v #91 ! 22:34:45 [INFO] crowbook::book: Succesfully generated PDF: 00:00:01 v #92 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 352 } 00:00:01 d #93 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; result = 4013 } __assert_eq / actual: "[Ok(("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", [Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"))]))]" / expected: "[Ok(("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", [Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/")), Some(Ok("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"))]))]" 00:00:01 v #94 file_system.create_dir / { dir = /home/runner/work/vault/polyglot/../vault/target/documents/dist } 00:00:01 d #95 / { source_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents; dist_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist; cache_dir = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache; hangul_spec = por-br } 00:00:01 d #96 / { files_len = 1 } 00:00:01 d #97 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = git; arguments = ["ls-tree", "--format='%(objectname)'", "origin/gh-pages", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/"]; options = { command = git ls-tree --format='%(objectname)' origin/gh-pages "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents", ) } } 00:00:01 v #98 ! fatal: Not a valid object name origin/gh-pages 00:00:01 v #99 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 128; std_trace_length = 56 } 00:00:01 d #100 runtime.execute_with_options / { file_name = git; arguments = ["hash-object", "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"]; options = { command = git hash-object "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/"; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = Array(MutCell([])); on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some( "/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist", ) } } 00:00:01 v #101 > ba0ba7eb68b2a508ff0525bcbb91bd5ebc95e71b 00:00:01 v #102 runtime.execute_with_options / result / { exit_code = 0; std_trace_length = 40 } 00:00:01 i #103 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #104 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 4934 } 00:00:01 i #105 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #106 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 8038 } 00:00:01 i #107 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #108 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 11612 } 00:00:01 i #109 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #110 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 4882 } 00:00:01 i #111 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #112 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 4013 } 00:00:01 i #113 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #114 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 11586 } 00:00:01 i #115 / par_map / files' = [] / listm.iter / { output_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; output_cache_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/ } 00:00:01 d #116 file_system.file_copy / { old_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/cache/; new_path = /home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/; result = 62 } __assert_eq / actual: "[Ok(("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", []))]" / expected: "[Ok(("/home/runner/work/vault/vault/target/documents/dist/", []))]" __assert_eq / actual: "# 아 ## 브 --- 아브크 아브크 아브크 아브크 " / expected: "# 아 ## 브 --- 아브크 아브크 아브크 아브크 " __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true
In [ ]:
inl tests () =
testing.run_tests {
verify_app = get_command >> runtime.command_debug_assert
In [ ]:
///! _
inl main (args : array_base string) =
Info |> Some |> init_trace_state
trace Info
fun () => "documents.main"
fun () => { args }
inl command = get_command ()
inl arg_matches = command |> runtime.command_get_matches
inl source_dir =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .source_dir |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.value
|> sm'.from_std_string
inl dist_dir =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .dist_dir |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.value
|> sm'.from_std_string
inl cache_dir =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .cache_dir |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.value
|> sm'.from_std_string
inl hangul_spec =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .hangul_spec |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.value
|> sm'.from_std_string
inl result =
run { source_dir dist_dir cache_dir hangul_spec }
|> async.block_on_futures
|> resultm.unbox
match result with
| Ok result =>
trace Info
fun () => "documents.main"
fun () => { result_len = result |> am'.vec_len }
| Error error =>
trace Critical
fun () => "documents.main"
fun () => { error }
inl main () =
$'let tests () = !tests ()' : ()
$'let main args = !main args' : ()