In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
open rust
open rust_operators
In [ ]:
inl length forall dim {int} el. (a : a dim el) : dim =
a |> length
In [ ]:
inl index forall dim {int} el. (i : dim) (a : a dim el) : el =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => index a i
Python = fun () => $'!a[!i]' : el
In [ ]:
inl index_base forall el. (i : int) (ar : array_base el) : el =
ar |> a |> index i
In [ ]:
inl base forall dim {int} el. ((a a) : a dim el) : array_base el =
In [ ]:
inl base' forall el. ((a a) : a int el) : array_base el =
In [ ]:
inl generic_equable x1 x2 =
if length x1 <>.. length x2
then false
let rec loop i =
if i < length x1
then index i x1 = index i x2 && loop (i + 1)
else true
loop 0
In [ ]:
instance equable a dim {number; int} t = generic_equable
In [ ]:
instance append a dim {int; number} t = am.append
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
a' ;[ -1i64; 0 ] ++ a' ;[ 1; 2 ]
|> _assert_eq (a' ;[ -1; 0; 1; 2 ])
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: [-1 0 1 2] / expected: [-1 0 1 2] .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([-1, 0, 1, 2])) / expected: Array(MutCell([-1, 0, 1, 2])) .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: -1,0,1,2 / expected: -1,0,1,2 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: [-1, 0, 1, 2] / expected: array('q', [-1, 0, 1, 2])
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: [|-1L; 0L; 1L; 2L|] / expected: [|-1L; 0L; 1L; 2L|]
In [ ]:
inl map_base forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (x : array_base t) : array_base u =
a x
|> fn
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
In [ ]:
inl collect forall t r. (fn : t -> a int r) (items : a int t) : a int r =
|> fn
|> am.fold (++) (a ;[])
In [ ]:
inl init n : array_base _ =
am.init n id
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
In [ ]:
inl choose f l =
(l, [])
||> am.foldBack fun x acc =>
match f x with
| Some y => y :: acc
| None => acc
|> listm.toArray
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
////! rust // v0.get_mut()[v2.get().clone() as usize] = match v1.get().clone().as_ref() { ^ expected `i32`, found `usize`
///! typescript
///! python
|> init
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
|> choose (fun x => if x % 2 = 0 then Some x else None)
|> _assert_eq (a' ;[ 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 ])
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: [0 2 4 6 8] / expected: [0 2 4 6 8] .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 0,2,4,6,8 / expected: 0,2,4,6,8 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] / expected: array('l', [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: [|0; 2; 4; 6; 8|] / expected: [|0; 2; 4; 6; 8|]
In [ ]:
inl sum a =
a |> am.fold (+) 0
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
|> init
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
|> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
In [ ]:
inl init_series start end inc : array_base _ =
inl total = conv ((end - start) / inc) + 1
am.init total (conv >> (*) inc >> (+) start)
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
init_series 0i32 6 2
|> a
|> fun x => x : _ int _
|> _assert_eq (a ;[ 0i32; 2; 4; 6 ])
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: [0 2 4 6] / expected: [0 2 4 6] .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([0, 2, 4, 6])) / expected: Array(MutCell([0, 2, 4, 6])) .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 0,2,4,6 / expected: 0,2,4,6 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: [0, 2, 4, 6] / expected: array('l', [0, 2, 4, 6])
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: [|0; 2; 4; 6|] / expected: [|0; 2; 4; 6|]
In [ ]:
inl head (ar : a _ _) =
if var_is ar || length ar > 0
then ar |> index 0
else error_type "The length of the array should be greater than 0."
In [ ]:
inl last (ar : a _ _) =
inl len = length ar
if var_is ar || len > 0
then ar |> index (len - 1)
else error_type "The length of the array should be greater than 0."
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
|> init
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
|> last
|> _assert_eq 9
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9
In [ ]:
inl try_pick forall t u. (fn : t -> option u) (array : a _ t) : option u =
(array, None)
||> am.foldBack fun x acc =>
match acc with
| Some _ => acc
| None => x |> fn
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
////! rust // match &v23 { Spiral_builder::US0::US0_0(x) => x.clone(), _ => unreachable!(), } == 5_i32
///! typescript
///! python
|> init
|> fun x => a x : _ int _
|> try_pick (fun x => if x = 5i32 then Some x else None)
|> _assert_eq (Some 5i32)
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: US0_0(v0=5) / expected: US0_0(v0=5) .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5
In [ ]:
inl indexed forall t u {number}. (ar : array_base t) : array_base (u * t) =
((0, a ;[]), (a ar : _ int _))
||> am.fold fun (i, acc) x =>
i + 1, acc ++ a ;[i, x]
|> snd
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
////! cuda // Only stack allocated primitive types (i8,i16,i32,i64 and u8,u16,u32,u64 and f32,f64 and bool) are allowed in CuPy arrays.
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
am.init 3i32 ((*) 2)
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
|> indexed
|> _assert_eq' ;[0i32, 0; 1, 2; 2, 4]
.rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: Array(MutCell([(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)])) / expected: Array(MutCell([(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)])) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: 0,0,1,2,2,4 / expected: 0,0,1,2,2,4 .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: [(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)] / expected: [(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)]
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: [|struct (0, 0); struct (1, 2); struct (2, 4)|] / expected: [|struct (0, 0); struct (1, 2); struct (2, 4)|]
In [ ]:
inl slice forall dim {int; number} el. from nearTo s : a dim el =
am.slice { from nearTo } s
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
inl x : _ i32 _ = a ;[ 1i32; 2; 3 ]
x |> slice 0 0 |> _assert_eq (a ;[])
x |> slice 0 1 |> _assert_eq (a ;[ 1 ])
x |> slice 1 1 |> _assert_eq (a ;[])
x |> slice 1 2 |> _assert_eq (a ;[ 2 ])
x |> slice 2 2 |> _assert_eq (a ;[])
x |> slice 0 2 |> _assert_eq (a ;[ 1; 2 ])
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: [] __assert_eq / actual: [1] / expected: [1] __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: [] __assert_eq / actual: [2] / expected: [2] __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: [] __assert_eq / actual: [1 2] / expected: [1 2] .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([])) / expected: Array(MutCell([])) __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([1])) / expected: Array(MutCell([1])) __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([])) / expected: Array(MutCell([])) __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([2])) / expected: Array(MutCell([2])) __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([])) / expected: Array(MutCell([])) __assert_eq / actual: Array(MutCell([1, 2])) / expected: Array(MutCell([1, 2])) .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: / expected: __assert_eq / actual: 1 / expected: 1 __assert_eq / actual: / expected: __assert_eq / actual: 2 / expected: 2 __assert_eq / actual: / expected: __assert_eq / actual: 1,2 / expected: 1,2 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: array('l') __assert_eq / actual: [1] / expected: array('l', [1]) __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: array('l') __assert_eq / actual: [2] / expected: array('l', [2]) __assert_eq / actual: [] / expected: array('l') __assert_eq / actual: [1, 2] / expected: array('l', [1, 2])
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: [||] / expected: [||] __assert_eq / actual: [|1|] / expected: [|1|] __assert_eq / actual: [||] / expected: [||] __assert_eq / actual: [|2|] / expected: [|2|] __assert_eq / actual: [||] / expected: [||] __assert_eq / actual: [|1; 2|] / expected: [|1; 2|]
In [ ]:
union range dim =
| Start : dim
| End : (() -> dim) -> dim
inl range start end s =
inl start, end =
inl len () =
s |> length |> conv
match start, end with
| Start start, End fn =>
start, fn len
| End start_fn, End end_fn =>
start_fn len, end_fn len
s |> slice (start |> unbox) (end |> unbox)
In [ ]:
nominal vec t =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"Vec<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype Vec<'T> = class end"
) : () -> ()
$'' : $'Vec<`t>'
In [ ]:
inl from_vec forall dim el. (vec : vec el) : a dim el =
!\\(vec, $'"fable_library_rust::NativeArray_::array_from($0.clone())"')
In [ ]:
inl from_vec_base forall el. (vec : vec el) : array_base el =
!\\(vec, $'"fable_library_rust::NativeArray_::array_from($0.clone())"')
In [ ]:
inl to_vec forall t. (ab : array_base t) : vec t =
!\\(ab, $'"$0.to_vec()"')
In [ ]:
inl to_vec' forall (t : * -> * -> *) u v. (x : t u v) : vec u =
In [ ]:
inl to_vec'' forall (t : * -> *) (u : * -> *) v. (x : t (u v)) : vec v =
In [ ]:
inl to_vec''' forall t. (ab : array_base t) : vec t =
!\\(ab, $'"to_vec($0)"')
In [ ]:
inl vec_push forall el. (el : el) (vec : vec el) : vec el =
inl el = join el
inl vec = join vec
(!\($'"true; let mut !vec = !vec"') : bool) |> ignore
// inl vec = vec |> rust.to_mut
(!\($'"true; !vec.push(!el)"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_reverse forall el. (vec : vec el) : vec el =
inl vec = join vec
(!\($'"true; let mut !vec = !vec"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\($'"true; !vec.reverse()"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_retain forall el. (fn : el -> bool) (vec : vec el) : vec el =
inl vec = join vec
inl fn = join fn
(!\($'"true; let mut !vec = !vec"') : bool) |> ignore
// inl vec = vec |> rust.to_mut
(!\($'"true; !vec.retain(|x| !fn(x.clone()))"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_sort_by_key forall el t. (fn : el -> t) (vec : vec el) : vec el =
inl vec = join vec
inl fn = join fn
(!\($'"true; let mut !vec = !vec"') : bool) |> ignore
// inl vec = vec |> rust.to_mut
(!\($'"true; !vec.sort_by_key(|x| !fn(x.clone()))"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_extend forall el. (el : vec el) (vec : vec el) : vec el =
inl el = join el
inl vec = join vec
(!\($'"true; let mut !vec = !vec"') : bool) |> ignore
// inl vec = vec |> rust.to_mut
(!\($'"true; !vec.extend(!el)"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_mapi forall dim t u. (fn : dim -> t -> u) (ar : vec t) : vec u =
inl fn = join fn
inl ar = join ar
!\($'"!ar.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, x)| !fn(i.try_into().unwrap())(x.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
inl vec_map forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (ar : vec t) : vec u =
(!\\(ar, $'"true; let _vec_map : Vec<_> = $0.into_iter().map(|x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
inl result = fn !\($'"x"')
inl is_unit =
typecase u with
| () => true
| _ => false
if is_unit
then (!\($'"true; }}).collect::<Vec<_>>()"') : bool) |> ignore
else (!\\(result, $'"true; $0 }).collect::<Vec<_>>()"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_map' forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (ar : vec t) : vec u =
inl fn = fn |> rust.func1_from
inl fn x =
fn |> rust.func1_move x
!\\((ar, fn), $'"$0.into_iter().map(|x| $1(x.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
inl vec_fold' forall t u. (fn : u -> t -> u) (init : u) (ar : vec t) : u =
(!\\(ar, $'"true; let _vec_fold_ = $0.into_iter().fold(!init, |acc, x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\\(fn !\($'"acc"') !\($'"x"'), $'"true; $0 })"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_for_each forall t. (fn : t -> ()) (ar : vec t) : () =
(!\\((ar, fn), $'"true; $0.iter().for_each(|x| { $1(x.clone()); }); //"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_for_each' forall t. (fn : t -> ()) (ar : vec t) : () =
(!\\(ar, $'"true; $0.into_iter().for_each(|x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\\(fn !\($'"x"'), $'$"true"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\($'"true; }}); { //"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_for_each'' forall t. (fn : t -> ()) (ar : vec t) : () =
(!\\(ar, $'"true; $0.into_iter().for_each(|x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\\(fn !\($'"x"'), $'$"true"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\($'"true; }}); //"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_for_each''' forall t. (fn : t -> ()) (ar : vec t) : () =
(!\\(ar, $'"true; $0.into_iter().for_each(|x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\\(fn !\($'"x"'), $'$"true"') : bool) |> ignore
(!\($'"true; }); //"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl vec_filter forall t. (fn : t -> bool) (ar : vec t) : vec t =
inl fn = join fn
inl ar = join ar
!\($'"!ar.into_iter().filter(|x| !fn(x.clone().clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
inl vec_len forall t. (vec : vec t) : unativeint =
!\\(vec, $'"$0.len()"')
In [ ]:
inl vec_chunks forall t. (n : i32) (vec : vec t) : vec (vec t) =
!\\(vec, $'"$0.chunks(!n).map(|x| x.into_iter().map(|x| x.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>()).collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
nominal slice t =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"[$0]\")>]\n#endif\ntype Slice<'T> = class end"
$'' : $'Slice<`t>'
In [ ]:
nominal slice' el dim =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"_\")>]\n#endif\ntype Slice'<'T> = class end"
) : () -> ()
$'' : $'Slice\'<`el>'
In [ ]:
nominal slice'' el dim =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"[$0; 10]\")>]\n#endif\ntype Slice'_<'T> = class end"
) : () -> ()
$'' : $'Slice\'_<`el>'
In [ ]:
inl slice_singleton forall dim el. (x : option el) : slice' el dim =
match x with
| Some x => !\($'"[!x]"')
| None =>
!\($'"[\\\"\\\".to_string()]"') : slice' el dim
// emit_expr `(()) `(slice' el dim) () ($'"[@dim]"' : string) : slice' el 10
// !\( : string) : slice' el i32 // !\($'"[]"')
In [ ]:
inl slice_length forall t dim. (x : slice' t dim) : unativeint =
In [ ]:
inl slice_range forall t dim. (start : range t) (end : range t) (s : slice' t dim) : rust.ref (slice' t dim) =
inl len () =
s |> slice_length
inl start, (end : unativeint) =
match start, end with
| Start start, End fn => start, (len >> convert) |> fn |> convert
| End start_fn, End end_fn => (len >> convert) |> start_fn, (len >> convert) |> end_fn |> convert
match start, end with
| start, end when unbox end =. len () => !\($'"&!s[!start..]"')
| start, end => !\\((start, end), $'"&!s[$0..$1]"')
In [ ]:
inl new_slice forall el dim. (el : el) : slice' el dim =
!\\(el, $'"[$0; @dim]"')
In [ ]:
inl as_slice forall t. (x : array_base t) : rust.ref (slice t) =
inl x = x |> to_vec
In [ ]:
inl slice_to_vec forall t. (slice : rust.ref (slice t)) : vec t =
!\\(slice, $'"$0.iter().map(|x| *x).collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
inl to_le_bytes forall t. (x : t) : slice' u8 8 =
In [ ]:
inl as_bytes forall t. (x : t) : rust.ref (slice u8) =
In [ ]:
inl any forall t. (fn : t -> bool) (source : array_base t) : bool =
!\($'"!source.any(|x| !fn(x))"')
iter_collect vec¶
In [ ]:
instance iter_collect vec = fun (iter : into_iterator u) =>
!\\(iter, $'"$0.collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
instance iter_collect'' vec = fun (iter : into_iterator (t (u v))) =>
!\\(iter, $'"$0.collect::<Vec<_>>()"')
In [ ]:
inl new_vec forall t. (items : list t) : vec t =
inl items =
(items, ("", 0i32))
||> listm.foldBack fun (x : t) (acc, i) =>
$'"!x"' +. (if i = 0 then "" else ", ") +. acc, i + 1
|> fst
!\($'"vec\![" + !items + "]"')
In [ ]:
//// test
///! rust
[ 0i32; 1 ]
|> new_vec
|> sm'.format_debug'
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> _assert_eq "[0, 1]"
__assert_eq / actual: "[0, 1]" / expected: "[0, 1]"
In [ ]:
inl average forall el {number}. (a : a _ el) : el =
$'!a |> Array.average'
In [ ]:
inl distinct forall dim el. (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.distinct'
In [ ]:
inl skip forall dim el. (n : dim) (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.skip !n '
In [ ]:
inl skip_while forall dim el. (fn : el -> bool) (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.skipWhile !fn '
In [ ]:
inl to_list_base' forall t. (items : array_base t) : listm'.list' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'!items |> Array.toList' : listm'.list' t
Python = fun () => items |> to : listm'.list' t
In [ ]:
inl to_list' forall dim {int} t. (items : a dim t) : listm'.list' t =
items |> base |> to_list_base'
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
a' ;[ -3i32; 6 ]
|> to_list'
|> listm'.unbox
|> _assert_eq [ -3; 6 ]
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1(v0=np.int32(-3), v1=UH0_1(v0=np.int32(6), v1=UH0_0())) / expected: UH0_1(v0=-3, v1=UH0_1(v0=6, v1=UH0_0())) .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1(-3, UH0_1(6, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1(-3, UH0_1(6, UH0_0)) .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0)) .py output: __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0))
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 (-3, UH0_1 (6, UH0_0))
In [ ]:
inl vec_collect fn vec =
((;[] |> to_vec), ((vec |> from_vec : _ int _) |> to_list' |> listm'.unbox))
||> listm.fold fun acc x =>
acc |> vec_extend (fn x)
In [ ]:
inl vec_collect_option vec =
((;[] |> to_vec |> Ok), ((vec |> from_vec : _ int _) |> am.toList))
||> listm.fold fun acc x =>
|> resultm.unbox
|> fun x =>
match acc, x |> optionm'.unbox with
| Ok acc, Ok (Some x) => acc |> vec_extend x |> Ok
| _, Error error => error |> Error
| _ => acc
In [ ]:
inl vec_collect_into forall (c : * -> * -> *) t e.
(x : vec (c t e))
: c (vec t) e
In [ ]:
inl parallel_map forall dim el el'. (fn : el -> el') (a : a dim el) : a dim el' =
$'!a |> !fn '
In [ ]:
inl map' forall dim el el'. (fn : el -> el') (a : a dim el) : a dim el' =
$'!a |> !fn '
In [ ]:
inl sort_by forall dim el. (fn : el -> _) (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.sortBy !fn '
In [ ]:
inl sort forall dim el. (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.sort'
In [ ]:
inl sort_descending forall dim el. (a : a dim el) : a dim el =
$'!a |> Array.sortDescending'
In [ ]:
inl transpose forall el. (a : array_base (array_base el)) : array_base (array_base el) =
$'!a |> Array.transpose'
In [ ]:
inl try_item forall dim el. (i : i32) (a : a dim el) : option el =
$'!a |> Array.tryItem !i ' |> optionm'.unbox