In [ ]:
open rust.rust_operators
In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
union rec stream t =
| StreamCons : t * (() -> stream t)
| StreamNil
In [ ]:
inl fold fn init s =
inl rec body acc = function
| StreamCons (st, fn') => loop (fn acc st) (fn' ())
| StreamNil => acc
and inl loop acc = join_body body acc
loop init s
In [ ]:
inl fold_back fn s init =
inl rec body acc = function
| StreamCons (st, fn') => fn st (loop acc (fn' ()))
| StreamNil => acc
and inl loop acc = join_body body acc
loop init s
In [ ]:
inl to_list s =
(s, [])
||> fold_back fun x acc =>
x :: acc
In [ ]:
inl rev s =
(StreamNil, s)
||> fold fun s x =>
StreamCons (x, fun () => s)
In [ ]:
inl from_list list =
(list, StreamNil)
||> listm.foldBack fun x acc =>
StreamCons (x, fun () => acc)
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 3i32 id
|> from_list
|> rev
|> to_list
|> _assert_eq [ 2; 1; 0 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (0, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (0, UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
inl try_item i s =
inl rec body i = function
| StreamCons (x, _) when i <= 0 => Some x
| StreamCons (_, fn) => loop (i - 1) (fn ())
| StreamNil => None
and inl loop acc s' =
match var_is acc, var_is s' with
| false, false => body acc s'
| _ =>
inl acc = dyn acc
inl s' = dyn s'
join body acc s'
loop i s
inl item i =
try_item i >> optionm.value
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> from_list
|> item 9i32
|> _assert_eq 9
__assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9
In [ ]:
inl new_infinite_stream fn =
inl rec loop n =
StreamCons (fn n, fun () => loop (n + 1))
loop 0
inl new_infinite_stream_ fn =
let rec loop n =
StreamCons (fn n, fun () => loop (n + 1))
loop 0
In [ ]:
//// test
new_infinite_stream print_and_return
|> item 4i32
|> _assert_eq 4i32
print_and_return / x: 0 print_and_return / x: 1 print_and_return / x: 2 print_and_return / x: 3 print_and_return / x: 4 __assert_eq / actual: 4 / expected: 4
In [ ]:
inl new_finite_stream fn max =
inl rec loop n =
if n >= max
then StreamNil
else StreamCons (fn n, fun () => loop (n + 1))
loop 0
In [ ]:
union memoized_stream t =
| NotComputed : () -> stream t
| Computed : stream t
inl memoize s =
inl rec body s =
inl state = mut (NotComputed s)
fun () =>
match *state with
| Computed x => x
| NotComputed fn =>
inl new_state =
match fn () with
| StreamNil => StreamNil
| StreamCons (x, fn) => StreamCons (x, loop fn)
state <- Computed new_state
and inl loop s' = join_body_unit body s s'
loop (fun () => s)
In [ ]:
//// test
inl memo_stream = new_finite_stream print_and_return 10 |> memoize
memo_stream ()
|> item 3i32
|> _assert_eq 3i32
memo_stream ()
|> item 5i32
|> _assert_eq 5i32
print_and_return / x: 0 print_and_return / x: 1 print_and_return / x: 2 print_and_return / x: 3 __assert_eq / actual: 3 / expected: 3 print_and_return / x: 4 print_and_return / x: 5 __assert_eq / actual: 5 / expected: 5
In [ ]:
//// test
inl memo_stream = new_infinite_stream_ print_and_return |> memoize
memo_stream ()
|> item 3i32
|> _assert_eq 3i32
memo_stream ()
|> item 5i32
|> _assert_eq 5i32
print_and_return / x: 0 print_and_return / x: 1 print_and_return / x: 2 print_and_return / x: 3 __assert_eq / actual: 3 / expected: 3 print_and_return / x: 4 print_and_return / x: 5 __assert_eq / actual: 5 / expected: 5
In [ ]:
inl unfold f x0 =
inl rec body x =
match f x with
| Some (x', y) => StreamCons (x', fun () => loop y)
| None => StreamNil
and inl loop x = join_body_unit body x0 x
loop x0
In [ ]:
inl iterate f =
fun x => Some (x, f x)
|> unfold
In [ ]:
//// test
iterate ((*) 2) 1i32
|> item 10i32
|> _assert_eq 1024
__assert_eq / actual: 1024 / expected: 1024
In [ ]:
inl iterate_map f m =
fun x =>
m x
|> fun x =>
x, f x
|> unfold
In [ ]:
//// test
iterate_map ((*) 2) Some 1i32
|> item 10i32
|> _assert_eq 1024
__assert_eq / actual: 1024 / expected: 1024
In [ ]:
inl take_while cond s =
inl rec body i = function
| StreamCons (st, fn) when cond st i => StreamCons (st, fun () => loop (i + 1) (fn ()))
| _ => StreamNil
and inl loop i = join_body body i
loop 0 s
In [ ]:
inl sum seq =
seq |> fold (+) 0
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> from_list
|> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
__assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
In [ ]:
//// test
new_finite_stream print_and_return 10i32
|> take_while (fun n (_ : i32) => n < 5)
|> sum
|> _assert_eq 10
print_and_return / x: 0 print_and_return / x: 1 print_and_return / x: 2 print_and_return / x: 3 print_and_return / x: 4 print_and_return / x: 5 __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10
In [ ]:
//// test
new_infinite_stream print_and_return
|> take_while (fun n (_ : i32) => n < 5i32)
|> sum
|> _assert_eq 10
print_and_return / x: 0 print_and_return / x: 1 print_and_return / x: 2 print_and_return / x: 3 print_and_return / x: 4 print_and_return / x: 5 __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10
In [ ]:
//// test
iterate ((*) 6) 1i32
|> take_while (fun _ i => i <= 7i32)
|> to_list
|> _assert_eq [ 1i32; 6; 36; 216; 1296; 7776; 46656; 279936 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (36, UH0_1 (216, UH0_1 (1296, UH0_1 (7776, UH0_1 (46656, UH0_1 (279936, UH0_0)))))))) / expected: UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (36, UH0_1 (216, UH0_1 (1296, UH0_1 (7776, UH0_1 (46656, UH0_1 (279936, UH0_0))))))))
In [ ]:
inl indexed s =
((StreamNil, 0), s)
||> fold fun (acc, i) x =>
StreamCons ((i, x), fun () => acc), i + 1
|> fst
|> rev
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 ((*) 2)
|> from_list
|> indexed
|> item 5i32
|> _assert_eq (5i32, 10i32)
__assert_eq / actual: struct (5, 10) / expected: struct (5, 10)
In [ ]:
inl map fn s =
(s, StreamNil)
||> fold_back fun x acc =>
StreamCons (fn x, fun () => acc)
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> from_list
|> map ((*) 2)
|> item 5i32
|> _assert_eq 10i32
__assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10
In [ ]:
inl zip_with fn s1 s2 =
inl rec loop s1 s2 =
match s1, s2 with
| StreamCons (st1, fn1), StreamCons (st2, fn2) =>
StreamCons (fn st1 st2, fun () => loop (fn1 ()) (fn2 ()))
| StreamNil, _ | _, StreamNil => StreamNil
loop s1 s2
inl zip_with_ fn s1 s2 =
let rec loop s1 s2 =
match s1, s2 with
| StreamCons (st1, fn1), StreamCons (st2, fn2) =>
StreamCons (fn st1 st2, fun () => loop (fn1 ()) (fn2 ()))
| StreamNil, _ | _, StreamNil => StreamNil
loop s1 s2
In [ ]:
//// test
((listm.init 10i32 id |> from_list), (listm.init 10i32 ((*) 2) |> from_list))
||> zip_with (+)
|> item 2i32
|> _assert_eq 6
__assert_eq / actual: 6 / expected: 6
In [ ]:
inl zip s1 s2 =
zip_with pair s1 s2
inl zip_ s1 s2 =
zip_with_ pair s1 s2
In [ ]:
//// test
((listm.init 10i32 id |> from_list), (listm.init 10i32 ((*) 2) |> from_list))
||> zip
|> item 5i32
|> _assert_eq (5, 10)
__assert_eq / actual: struct (5, 10) / expected: struct (5, 10)
In [ ]:
inl unzip s =
inl rec body s =
match s with
| StreamCons ((x, y), fn) =>
inl xs, ys = loop (fn ())
StreamCons (x, fun () => xs), StreamCons (y, fun () => ys)
| StreamNil => pair StreamNil StreamNil
and inl loop x =
if var_is x |> not
then body x
inl x = dyn x
join body x
loop s
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> (fun x => x, x)
|> from_list
|> unzip
|> fun x, y =>
x |> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
y |> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
__assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45 __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
In [ ]:
nominal io_error =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"std::io::Error\")>]\ntype std_io_Error = class end\n#else\ntype std_io_Error = string\n#endif\n"
$'' : $'std_io_Error'
In [ ]:
inl new_io_error (text : string) : io_error =
run_target_args (fun () => text) function
| Rust _ => fun text =>
!\\(text, $'"std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, &*$0)"')
| _ => fun text => text |> unbox
In [ ]:
nominal buf_reader t =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"std::io::BufReader<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype std_io_BufReader<'T> = class end"
) : () -> ()
$'' : $'std_io_BufReader<`t>'
In [ ]:
nominal cursor t =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"std::io::Cursor<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype std_io_Cursor<'T> = class end"
) : () -> ()
$'' : $'std_io_Cursor<`t>'
In [ ]:
nominal buf_reader_tokio t =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"tokio::io::BufReader<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype tokio_io_BufReader<'T> = class end"
$'' : $'tokio_io_BufReader<`t>'
In [ ]:
inl new_buf_reader forall t. (x : t) : buf_reader t =
!\\(x, $'"std::io::BufReader::new($0)"')
In [ ]:
inl new_cursor forall t. (x : t) : cursor t =
In [ ]:
nominal lines t =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"std::io::Lines<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype std_io_Lines<'T> = class end"
$'' : $'std_io_Lines<`t>'
In [ ]:
inl buf_read_lines forall t. (buf_reader : buf_reader t) : lines (buf_reader t) =
In [ ]:
nominal decode_reader_bytes t u =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytes<$0, $1>\")>]\n#endif\ntype encoding_rs_io_DecodeReaderBytes<'T, 'U> = class end"
$'' : $'encoding_rs_io_DecodeReaderBytes<`t, `u>'
In [ ]:
inl decode_reader_bytes_build forall t. (x : t) : decode_reader_bytes t (am'.vec u8) =
// !\($'"encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new().encoding(Some(encoding_rs::UTF_8)).build(!x)"')
// !\($'"encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new().encoding(Some(encoding_rs::UTF_8)).utf8_passthru(true).build(!x)"')
!\\(x, $'"encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new().utf8_passthru(true).build($0)"')
// !\($'"encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytes::new(!x)"')
In [ ]:
inl buf_reader_read forall el dim. (slice : am'.slice' el dim) (buf_reader : buf_reader el) : resultm.result' unativeint io_error =
(!\($'"true; let mut !slice = !slice"') : bool) |> ignore
!\($'"std::io::Read::read(&mut !buf_reader, &mut !slice)"')
In [ ]:
inl io_read_by_ref forall t. (lines : lines t) : lines t =
!\\(lines, $'"std::io::Read::by_ref($0)"')