In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
inl get_union_fields forall union_type. () : list (string * union_type) =
forall union_record_type. =>
fun acc key =>
forall value. =>
inl value =
typecase value with
| () => $'' : value
| _ =>
backend_switch `value `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
$'Unchecked.defaultof<_>' : value
) : () -> value
Python =
(fun () =>
$'None' : value
) : () -> value
inl item = real_core.nominal_create `union_type (key, value)
inl key' = sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
(::) `(string * union_type) (key', item) acc
(Nil `(string * union_type))
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
get_union_fields ()
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> a
|> am'.sort_by snd
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
|> _assert_eq' ;[ "Native", Native; "Wasm", Wasm; "Contract", Contract ]
.rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: Array(MutCell([("Native", US0_0), ("Wasm", US0_1), ("Contract", US0_2)])) / expected: Array(MutCell([("Native", US0_0), ("Wasm", US0_1), ("Contract", US0_2)])) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: Native,US0_0,Wasm,US0_1,Contract,US0_2 / expected: Native,US0_0,Wasm,US0_1,Contract,US0_2 .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: [('Native', US0_0), ('Wasm', US0_1), ('Contract', US0_2)] / expected: [('Native', US0_0), ('Wasm', US0_1), ('Contract', US0_2)]
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: [|struct ("Native", US0_0); struct ("Wasm", US0_1); struct ("Contract", US0_2)|] / expected: [|struct ("Native", US0_0); struct ("Wasm", US0_1); struct ("Contract", US0_2)|]
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
get_union_fields ()
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> a
|> am'.sort_by snd
|> fun (a x : _ int _) => x
|> _assert_eq' ;[ "Some", Some 0i32; "None", None ]
.rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: Array(MutCell([("Some", US0_0(0)), ("None", US0_1)])) / expected: Array(MutCell([("Some", US0_0(0)), ("None", US0_1)])) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: Some,US0_0 0,None,US0_1 / expected: Some,US0_0 0,None,US0_1 .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: [('Some', US0_0 0), ('None', US0_1)] / expected: [('Some', US0_0 0), ('None', US0_1)]
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: [|struct ("Some", US0_0 0); struct ("None", US0_1)|] / expected: [|struct ("Some", US0_0 0); struct ("None", US0_1)|]
In [ ]:
inl get_union_fields_untag forall union_type. () : list (string * union_type) =
forall union_record_type. =>
inl result =
fun _key =>
forall value. (acc, (i : i32)) =>
inl key, item : (string * union_type) =
real_core.union_untag `union_type i
(fun key => forall value. =>
inl key' = sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
inl value =
typecase value with
| () => $'' : value
| _ =>
backend_switch `value `({}) {
Fsharp =
(fun () =>
$'Unchecked.defaultof<_>' : value
) : () -> value
Python =
(fun () =>
$'None' : value
) : () -> value
inl item = real_core.nominal_create `union_type (key, value)
key', item
(fun _ =>
`(string * union_type)
"reflection.get_union_fields_untag / invalid tag"
(::) `(string * union_type) (key, item) acc, (+) `i32 i 1
(Nil `(string * union_type), 0i32)
inl result = fst `(list (string * union_type)) `i32 result
listm.rev `(string * union_type) result
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
get_union_fields_untag ()
|> _assert_eq' [ "Native", Native; "Wasm", Wasm; "Contract", Contract ]
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1(v0='Native', v1=US0_0(), v2=UH0_1(v0='Wasm', v1=US0_1(), v2=UH0_1(v0='Contract', v1=US0_2(), v2=UH0_0()))) / expected: UH0_1(v0='Native', v1=US0_0(), v2=UH0_1(v0='Wasm', v1=US0_1(), v2=UH0_1(v0='Contract', v1=US0_2(), v2=UH0_0()))) .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1("Native", US0_0, UH0_1("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1("Native", US0_0, UH0_1("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0))) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 (Native, US0_0, UH0_1 (Wasm, US0_1, UH0_1 (Contract, US0_2, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 (Native, US0_0, UH0_1 (Wasm, US0_1, UH0_1 (Contract, US0_2, UH0_0))) .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 ("Native", US0_0, UH0_1 ("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1 ("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 ("Native", US0_0, UH0_1 ("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1 ("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0)))
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 ("Native", US0_0, UH0_1 ("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1 ("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 ("Native", US0_0, UH0_1 ("Wasm", US0_1, UH0_1 ("Contract", US0_2, UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
get_union_fields_untag ()
|> _assert_eq' [ "Some", Some (); "None", None ]
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1(v0='Some', v1=US0_0(), v2=UH0_1(v0='None', v1=US0_1(), v2=UH0_0())) / expected: UH0_1(v0='Some', v1=US0_0(), v2=UH0_1(v0='None', v1=US0_1(), v2=UH0_0())) .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1("Some", US0_0, UH0_1("None", US0_1, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1("Some", US0_0, UH0_1("None", US0_1, UH0_0)) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 (Some, US0_0, UH0_1 (None, US0_1, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 (Some, US0_0, UH0_1 (None, US0_1, UH0_0)) .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 ("Some", US0_0, UH0_1 ("None", US0_1, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 ("Some", US0_0, UH0_1 ("None", US0_1, UH0_0))
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 ("Some", US0_0, UH0_1 ("None", US0_1, UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 ("Some", US0_0, UH0_1 ("None", US0_1, UH0_0))
In [ ]:
inl union_try_pick forall t. (key : string) : option t =
real get_union_fields_untag `t ()
|> listm'.try_pick fun key', x =>
if key' = key
then Some x
else None
In [ ]:
inl union_to_string forall t. (x : t) : string =
real get_union_fields_untag `t ()
|> listm'.try_pick fun key, x' =>
if x' = x
then Some key
inl has_case =
forall union_record_type. =>
fun _key =>
forall value. acc =>
if acc
then acc
typecase value with
| () => false
| _ => true
if has_case |> not
then None
inl separator =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
run_target function
| Rust _ => fun () => join "("
| _ => fun () => join " "
Python = fun () => "("
inl x' = x' |> sm'.format |> sm'.split separator |> am'.index_base 0
if x |> sm'.format |> sm'.starts_with x'
then Some key
else None
|> optionm.value
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
Some true
|> union_to_string
|> _assert_eq' "Some"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: Some / expected: Some .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: "Some" / expected: "Some" .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: Some / expected: Some .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: Some / expected: Some
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: "Some" / expected: "Some"
In [ ]:
inl nameof forall t. (x : t) : string =
fun key =>
forall value. _ =>
sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
In [ ]:
//// test
{ test1 = ""; test2 = "" }
|> nameof
|> _assert_eq' "test1"
__assert_eq' / actual: "test1" / expected: "test1"
In [ ]:
inl get_record_fields forall t u. (x : t) : list (string * u) =
fun key =>
forall u'. acc =>
inl k = sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
inl v = x key
(::) `(string * u') (k, v) acc
(Nil `(string * u))
In [ ]:
//// test
{ a = "1"; b = "2" }
|> get_record_fields
|> _assert_eq' [ "a", "1"; "b", "2" ]
__assert_eq' / actual: UH0_1 ("a", "1", UH0_1 ("b", "2", UH0_0)) / expected: UH0_1 ("a", "1", UH0_1 ("b", "2", UH0_0))
In [ ]:
inl get_functions_types forall t {record}. (fns : t) =
inl get_function_type forall t. =
inl args forall t {record}. : list (string * string) =
fun key =>
forall v. acc =>
inl k = sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
inl v = $'"`v"' : string
(::) `(string * string) (k, v) acc
(Nil `(string * string))
typecase t with
| ~t -> ~u => args `t, ($'"`u"' : string)
fun key =>
forall v. acc =>
inl k = sm'_real.symbol_to_string `(`key)
inl args, result = get_function_type `v
(::) `(string * (list (string * string) * string)) (k, (args, result)) acc
(Nil `(string * (list (string * string) * string)))
|> fun x => x : list (string * (list (string * string) * string))
In [ ]:
//// test
inl one ({ a } : { a : i32 }) : i32 = a + 1
inl two ({ a b } : { a : i32; b : i32 }) : i32 = a + b + 2
inl fns = { one two }
|> get_functions_types
|> fun (name, args, result) => name, (args |> listm'.box |> listm'.to_array', result)
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> sm'.format
|> _assert_eq' (
"one", ["a", "int32"], "int32"
"two", ["a", "int32"; "b", "int32"], "int32"
|> fun (name, args, result) => name, (args |> listm'.box |> listm'.to_array', result)
|> listm'.box
|> listm'.to_array'
|> sm'.format
__assert_eq' / actual: "[|struct ("one", [|struct ("a", "int32")|], "int32"); struct ("two", [|struct ("a", "int32"); struct ("b", "int32")|], "int32")|]" / expected: "[|struct ("one", [|struct ("a", "int32")|], "int32"); struct ("two", [|struct ("a", "int32"); struct ("b", "int32")|], "int32")|]"