In [ ]:
open rust
open rust_operators
In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
inl default_value d =
optionm.defaultWith d
In [ ]:
//// test
|> default_value 3i32
|> _assert_eq 3i32
__assert_eq / actual: 3 / expected: 3
In [ ]:
inl (/??) a b =
a |> default_value b
In [ ]:
//// test
None /?? 3i32
|> _assert_eq 3i32
__assert_eq / actual: 3 / expected: 3
In [ ]:
inl default_with fn = function
| Some x => x
| None => fn ()
In [ ]:
//// test
|> default_with fun () => 3i32
|> _assert_eq 3i32
__assert_eq / actual: 3 / expected: 3
In [ ]:
inl choose fn a b =
match a, b with
| Some x, Some y => fn x y |> Some
| _ => None
In [ ]:
//// test
(Some 2i32, Some 3)
||> choose (+)
|> _assert_eq (Some 5)
__assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5
In [ ]:
inl iter fn = function
| Some x => fn x
| None => ()
In [ ]:
//// test
inl n = mut 1i32
inl fn =
fun n' =>
n <- *n + n'
Some 1i32 |> iter fn
None |> iter fn
|> _assert_eq 2i32
__assert_eq / actual: 2 / expected: 2
In [ ]:
inl flatten x =
match x with
| Some (Some x) => Some x
| _ => None
In [ ]:
nominal option' t = $"backend_switch `({ Fsharp : $"`t option"; Python : t })"
In [ ]:
inl none' forall t. () : option' t =
In [ ]:
inl some' forall t. (x : t) : option' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'Some !x ' : option' t
Python = fun () => $'!x # some\' ' : option' t
In [ ]:
inl default_value' forall t. (value : t) (x : option' t) : t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'!x |> Option.defaultValue !value ' : t
Python = fun () => $'!x or !value ' : t
In [ ]:
inl value' forall t. (x : option' t) : t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'!x |> Option.value' : t
Python = fun () => $'!x ' : t
In [ ]:
inl box forall t. (x : option t) : option' t =
// x
// |> optionm.map some'
// |> default_with none'
match x with
| Some x => some' x
| None => none' ()
In [ ]:
inl map forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (x : option' t) : option' u =
inl x_ () =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
inl result : mut (option' u) = none' () |> mut
inl set_result x =
result <- x
inl get_result () =
$'let _!result = !result '
$'match !x with'
$'| Some x -> ('
$'(fun () ->'
$'(fun () ->'
inl x = dyn $'x'
x |> fn |> emit_unit
$'|> fun x -> x () |> Some'
$') () ) | None -> None'
$'|> fun x -> !set_result x'
$'!get_result ()' : option' u
Python = fun () =>
if x =. none' ()
then none' ()
else fn $'!x ' |> fun x => $'!x ' : option' u
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
inl fn = join fn
$'!x |> Option.map !fn ' : option' u
Python = fun () =>
if x =. none' ()
then none' ()
else fn $'!x ' |> fun x => $'!x ' : option' u
In [ ]:
inl map'' forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (x : option' t) : option' u =
x |> map fn
In [ ]:
inl unbox forall t. (x : option' t) : option t =
x |> map'' Some |> default_value' None
// inl some x : option t = Some x
// inl some = join some
// inl none : option t = None
// $'!x |> Option.map !some |> Option.defaultValue !none '
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
inl x = Some 3i32
inl y : option i32 = None
inl x' = x |> box |> unbox
inl y' = y |> box |> map id |> unbox
(x', y') |> _assert_eq' (x, y)
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: (US0_0(v0=3), US0_1()) / expected: (US0_0(v0=3), US0_1()) .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: (US0_0(3), US0_1) / expected: (US0_0(3), US0_1) .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0 3,US0_1 / expected: US0_0 3,US0_1 .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: (US0_0 3, US0_1) / expected: (US0_0 3, US0_1)
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: struct (US0_0 3, US0_1) / expected: struct (US0_0 3, US0_1)
In [ ]:
inl of_obj forall t. (x : t) : option' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
$'let mutable _!x = None'
((x |> $'Option.ofObj') : option' t) |> emit_unit
$'Some !x '
$'|> fun x -> _!x <- Some x'
$'match _!x with Some x -> x | None -> failwith "optionm\'.of_obj / _!x=None"' : option' t
Python = fun () =>
$'!x ' : option' t
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
////! rust // attempted to zero-initialize type `alloc::sync::Arc<dyn core::any::Any>`, which is invalid
///! typescript
///! python
null ()
|> of_obj
|> unbox
|> _assert_eq (None : option string)
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: US0_1() / expected: US0_1() .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_1 / expected: US0_1 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_1 / expected: US0_1
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: US0_1 / expected: US0_1
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
|> of_obj
|> unbox
|> _assert_eq' (Some "")
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0(v0='') / expected: US0_0(v0='') .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0("") / expected: US0_0("") .ts output: __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0 / expected: US0_0 .py output: __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0 "" / expected: US0_0 ""
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: US0_0 "" / expected: US0_0 ""
In [ ]:
inl flatten' x =
|> unbox
|> optionm.map unbox
|> flatten
In [ ]:
inl try' forall t. (x : option' t) : t =
!\\(x, $'"$0?"')
In [ ]:
inl map' forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (x : option' t) : option' u =
(!\\(x, $'"true; let _optionm_map_ = $0.map(|x| { //"') : bool) |> ignore
inl result = fn !\($'"x"')
(!\\(result, $'"true; $0 })"') : bool) |> ignore
In [ ]:
inl unwrap forall t. (x : option' t) : t =
!\\(x, $'"$0.unwrap()"')
In [ ]:
inl take forall t. (x : option' t) : option' t =
(!\\(x, $'"true; let mut !x = !x"') : bool) |> ignore
!\\(x, $'"Option::take(&mut $0)"')
In [ ]:
inl take_ref forall t. (x : rust.ref (option' t)) : option' t =
(!\\(x, $'"true; let mut !x = !x"') : bool) |> ignore
!\\(x, $'"Option::take(&mut $0)"')
In [ ]:
inl take_ref_mut forall t. (x : rust.ref (rust.mut' (option' t))) : option' t =
!\\(x, $'"Option::take($0)"')
In [ ]:
inl cloned forall t. (x : option' (rust.ref t)) : option' t =
!\\(x, $'"$0.cloned()"')
In [ ]:
inl as_ref forall t. (x : rust.ref (option' t)) : option' (rust.ref t) =
!\\(x, $'"$0.as_ref()"')
In [ ]:
inl as_mut forall t. (x : rust.ref (rust.mut' (option' t))) : option' (rust.ref (rust.mut' t)) =
!\\(x, $'"$0.as_mut()"')
In [ ]:
inl unwrap_or forall t. (def : t) (x : option' t) : t =
In [ ]:
inl and_then forall t u. (fn : t -> option' u) (x : option' t) : option' u =
!\\((x, fn), $'"$0.and_then(|x| $1(x))"')
In [ ]:
inl rc_upgrade forall t. (x : rust.weak_rc t) : option' (rust.rc t) =
!\\(x, $'"std::rc::Weak::upgrade(&$0)"')
In [ ]:
inl rc_into_inner forall t. (x : rust.rc t) : option' t =
!\\(x, $'"std::rc::Rc::into_inner($0)"')
In [ ]:
//// test
///! rust
rust.new_rc 0i32
|> rc_into_inner
|> unbox
|> _assert_eq' (Some 0i32)
__assert_eq' / actual: US0_0(0) / expected: US0_0(0)