In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
instance append list t =
In [ ]:
//// test
[ "a"; "b" ] ++ [ "c"; "d" ]
|> _assert_eq [ "a"; "b"; "c"; "d" ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 ("a", UH0_1 ("b", UH0_1 ("c", UH0_1 ("d", UH0_0)))) / expected: UH0_1 ("a", UH0_1 ("b", UH0_1 ("c", UH0_1 ("d", UH0_0))))
In [ ]:
inl collect forall t r. (fn : t -> list r) (items : list t) : list r =
|> fn
|> listm.fold (++) []
In [ ]:
inl init_series start end inc =
inl total : f64 = conv ((end - start) / inc) + 1
listm.init total (conv >> (*) inc >> (+) start)
In [ ]:
//// test
init_series 0 1 0.5
|> _assert_eq [ 0f64; 0.5; 1 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (0.0, UH0_1 (0.5, UH0_1 (1.0, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 (0.0, UH0_1 (0.5, UH0_1 (1.0, UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
inl rec try_item i = function
| Cons (x, _) when i = 0 => Some x
| Cons (_, xs) => try_item (i - 1) xs
| Nil => None
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> try_item 9i32
|> _assert_eq (Some 9)
__assert_eq / actual: US0_0 9 / expected: US0_0 9
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> try_item 10i32
|> _assert_eq None
__assert_eq / actual: US0_1 / expected: US0_1
In [ ]:
inl item i =
try_item i >> optionm.value
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> item 9i32
|> _assert_eq 9
__assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9
In [ ]:
//// test
fun () =>
listm.init 10i32 id
|> item 10i32
|> ignore
|> _throws
|> sm'.format_exception
|> _assert_eq (Some "System.Exception: Option does not have a value.")
__assert_eq / actual: US1_0 "System.Exception: Option does not have a value." / expected: US1_0 "System.Exception: Option does not have a value."
In [ ]:
let rec try_item_ i = function
| Cons (x, _) when i = 0 => Some x
| Cons (_, xs) => try_item_ (i - 1) xs
| Nil => None
In [ ]:
inl item_ i =
try_item_ i >> optionm.value
In [ ]:
inl sum list =
list |> listm.fold (+) 0
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
__assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
In [ ]:
inl unzip list =
(([], []), list)
||> listm.fold fun (acc_x, acc_y) (x, y) =>
x :: acc_x, y :: acc_y
|> fun x, y =>
x |> listm.rev, y |> listm.rev
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> (fun x => x, x)
|> unzip
|> fun x, y =>
x |> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
y |> sum
|> _assert_eq 45
__assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45 __assert_eq / actual: 45 / expected: 45
In [ ]:
inl try_index_of item list =
inl rec loop i = function
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if x = item
then Some i
else loop (i + 1) xs
loop 0 list
inl index_of item =
try_index_of item >> optionm.value
inl try_index_of_ item list =
let rec loop i = function
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if x = item
then Some i
else loop (i + 1) xs
loop 0 list
inl index_of_ item =
try_index_of_ item >> optionm.value
inl try_index_of__ item list =
inl i = mut 0
inl list = mut list
inl result = mut None
let rec loop () =
match *list with
| [] => result <- None
| x :: xs =>
if x = item
then result <- Some *i
i <- *i + 1
list <- xs
loop ()
loop ()
inl index_of__ item =
try_index_of__ item >> optionm.value
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> index_of 5i32
|> _assert_eq 5i32
__assert_eq / actual: 5 / expected: 5
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> try_index_of 10i32
|> _assert_eq (None : option i32)
__assert_eq / actual: US0_1 / expected: US0_1
In [ ]:
inl try_find fn list =
inl rec loop = function
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if fn x
then Some x
else loop xs
loop list
inl try_find_ fn list =
let rec loop = function
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if fn x
then Some x
else loop xs
loop list
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> try_find ((=) 5i32)
|> _assert_eq (Some 5i32)
__assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5
In [ ]:
inl find x =
try_find x >> optionm.value
inl find_ x =
try_find_ x >> optionm.value
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> find ((=) 5i32)
|> _assert_eq 5i32
__assert_eq / actual: 5 / expected: 5
In [ ]:
inl choose f l =
(l, [])
||> listm.foldBack fun x acc =>
match f x with
| Some y => y :: acc
| None => acc
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> choose (fun x => if x % 2 = 0 then Some x else None)
|> _assert_eq [ 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (0, UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (4, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (8, UH0_0))))) / expected: UH0_1 (0, UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (4, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (8, UH0_0)))))
In [ ]:
inl filter forall t. (fn : t -> bool) (list : list t) : list t =
(list, Nil)
||> listm.foldBack fun x acc =>
if fn x then x :: acc else acc
In [ ]:
inl zip_with fn xs ys =
inl rec loop acc xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) =>
loop (fn x y :: acc) xs ys
| _ => listm.rev acc
loop [] xs ys
inl zip_with_ fn xs ys =
let rec loop acc xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| Cons (x, xs), Cons (y, ys) =>
loop (fn x y :: acc) xs ys
| _ => listm.rev acc
loop [] xs ys
In [ ]:
//// test
([ 1i32; 2; 3 ], [ 4; 5; 6 ])
||> zip_with (+)
|> _assert_eq [ 5; 7; 9 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (5, UH0_1 (7, UH0_1 (9, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 (5, UH0_1 (7, UH0_1 (9, UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
inl zip xs ys =
zip_with pair xs ys
inl zip_ xs ys =
zip_with_ pair xs ys
In [ ]:
//// test
([ 1i32; 2; 3 ], [ 4i32; 5; 6 ])
||> zip
|> _assert_eq [ 1, 4; 2, 5; 3, 6 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (1, 4, UH0_1 (2, 5, UH0_1 (3, 6, UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 (1, 4, UH0_1 (2, 5, UH0_1 (3, 6, UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
inl indexed list =
(([], 0), list)
||> listm.fold fun (acc, i) x =>
(i, x) :: acc, i + 1
|> fst
|> listm.rev
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 5i32 ((*) 2)
|> indexed
|> _assert_eq [ 0i32, 0; 1, 2; 2, 4; 3, 6; 4, 8 ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 (0, 0, UH0_1 (1, 2, UH0_1 (2, 4, UH0_1 (3, 6, UH0_1 (4, 8, UH0_0))))) / expected: UH0_1 (0, 0, UH0_1 (1, 2, UH0_1 (2, 4, UH0_1 (3, 6, UH0_1 (4, 8, UH0_0)))))
In [ ]:
inl group_by fn list =
(list, [])
||> listm.foldBack fun x acc =>
inl xk = fn x
inl found, new_acc =
((false, []), acc)
||> listm.fold fun (found, acc') (k, xs) =>
if k = xk
then true, (k, x :: xs) :: acc'
else found, (k, xs) :: acc'
if found
then new_acc
else (xk, [ x ]) :: new_acc
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> group_by (fun x => x % 2 = 0)
|> _assert_eq [ true, [ 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 ]; false, [ 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 ] ]
__assert_eq / actual: UH1_1 (true, UH0_1 (0, UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (4, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (8, UH0_0))))), UH1_1 (false, UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (3, UH0_1 (5, UH0_1 (7, UH0_1 (9, UH0_0))))), UH1_0)) / expected: UH1_1 (true, UH0_1 (0, UH0_1 (2, UH0_1 (4, UH0_1 (6, UH0_1 (8, UH0_0))))), UH1_1 (false, UH0_1 (1, UH0_1 (3, UH0_1 (5, UH0_1 (7, UH0_1 (9, UH0_0))))), UH1_0))
In [ ]:
inl forall' fn (head :: tail) =
(true, tail)
||> listm.fold fun acc x =>
acc && x = head
In [ ]:
//// test
[ 1i32; 1; 1; 1; 1 ]
|> forall' ((=) 1i32)
|> _assert_eq true
__assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true
In [ ]:
inl last list =
|> listm.rev
|> item 0i32
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> last
|> _assert_eq 9
__assert_eq / actual: 9 / expected: 9
In [ ]:
inl try_pick fn list =
inl rec body fn = function
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
match fn x with
| Some y => Some y
| None => loop xs
and inl loop list =
if var_is list |> not
then body fn list
inl fn = join fn
inl list = dyn list
join body fn list
loop list
In [ ]:
//// test
listm.init 10i32 id
|> try_pick (fun x => if x = 5i32 then Some x else None)
|> _assert_eq (Some 5i32)
__assert_eq / actual: US0_0 5 / expected: US0_0 5
In [ ]:
inl exists' f x =
inl length_x : i64 = x |> listm.length
let rec loop i =
if i >= length_x
then false
elif x |> item i |> f
then true
else loop (i + 1)
loop 0
In [ ]:
//// test
[ 'a'; 'b'; 'c' ]
|> exists' fun x => x = 'b'
|> _assert_eq true
[ 'a'; 'b' ]
|> exists' fun x => x = 'c'
|> _assert_eq false
|> exists' fun x => x = 'a'
|> _assert_eq false
__assert_eq / actual: true / expected: true __assert_eq / actual: false / expected: false __assert_eq / actual: false / expected: false
In [ ]:
nominal list' t = $"backend_switch `({ Fsharp : $'`t list'; Python : $'list' })"
In [ ]:
inl empty' forall t. () : list' t =
In [ ]:
inl cons' forall t. (head : t) (tail : list' t) : list' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'!head :: !tail ' : list' t
Python = fun () =>
$'!tail.insert(0, !head)'
$'!tail ' : list' t
In [ ]:
inl rev' forall t. (items : list' t) : list' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => items |> $'List.rev' : list' t
Python = fun () => $'list(reversed(!items))' : list' t
In [ ]:
inl box forall t. (list : list t) : list' t =
(list, empty' ())
||> listm.foldBack fun x acc =>
acc |> cons' x
In [ ]:
inl fold' forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (init : list u) (list : list' t) : list u =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
(init, list)
||> $'List.fold' join fun acc x => Cons (fn x, acc)
: list u
Python = fun () =>
inl init = init |> box
$'r = !init '
inl list = list |> rev'
$'for x in !list: r = [!fn(x)] + r'
inl init : list u = Nil
inl cons (a : u) b = Cons (a, b)
$'r_ = !init '
$'for x in r: r_ = !cons (x)(r_)'
$'r_' : list u
In [ ]:
inl fold_back' forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (list : list' t) (init : list u) : list u =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
(list, init)
||> $'List.foldBack' join fun x acc => Cons (fn x, acc)
: list u
Python = fun () =>
|> rev'
|> fold' fn init
In [ ]:
inl filter' forall t. (fn : t -> bool) (list : list' t) : list' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => list |> $'"List.filter !fn"' : list' t
Python = fun () => $'list(filter(!fn, !list))' : list' t
In [ ]:
inl map forall t u. (fn : t -> u) (list : list' t) : list' u =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => list |> $'' fn : list' u
Python = fun () => $'list(map(!fn, !list))' : list' u
In [ ]:
inl unbox forall t. (list : list' t) : list t =
(list, Nil)
||> fold_back' id
In [ ]:
// preserve order
inl distinct' forall t. (list : list' t) : list' t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => list |> $'List.distinct' : list' t
Python = fun () =>
$'x = list(set(!list))'
$'x' : list' t
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
[ "1"; "2"; "2"; "3" ]
|> box
|> distinct'
|> unbox
|> _assert_eq [ "1"; "2"; "3" ]
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1(v0='1', v1=UH0_1(v0='2', v1=UH0_1(v0='3', v1=UH0_0()))) / expected: UH0_1(v0='1', v1=UH0_1(v0='2', v1=UH0_1(v0='3', v1=UH0_0())))
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: UH0_1 ("1", UH0_1 ("2", UH0_1 ("3", UH0_0))) / expected: UH0_1 ("1", UH0_1 ("2", UH0_1 ("3", UH0_0)))
In [ ]:
inl to_array' forall t. (items : list' t) : array_base t =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => items |> $'List.toArray' : array_base t
Python = fun () => $'(cp if cuda else np).array(!items)' : array_base t