In [ ]:
open rust.rust_operators
open sm'_operators
In [ ]:
//// test
open testing
In [ ]:
nominal timestamp_python =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Python = (fun () => global "import datetime") : () -> ()
$'' : i64
type timestamp_switch =
Fsharp : i64
Python : timestamp_python
nominal timestamp = $'backend_switch `(timestamp_switch)'
In [ ]:
type timestamp_guid = guid.guid
In [ ]:
type date_time_guid = guid.guid
In [ ]:
//// test
inl test_guid () =
"6543210F-EDCB-A987-6543-210FEDCBA987" |> guid.new_guid
In [ ]:
nominal date_time_python =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Python = (fun () => global "import datetime") : () -> ()
$'' : $'datetime.datetime'
type date_time_switch =
Fsharp : $'System.DateTime'
Python : date_time_python
nominal date_time = $'backend_switch `(date_time_switch)'
In [ ]:
inl year (date_time : date_time) : i32 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => date_time |> $'_.Year' : i32
Python = fun () => $'!date_time.year' : i32
In [ ]:
inl format (format : string) (date_time : date_time) : string =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
inl format =
if format = ""
then "M-d-y hh:mm:ss tt"
else format
$'!date_time.ToString' format : string
Python = fun () =>
inl date_time = join date_time
if format <> ""
then $'!date_time.strftime(!format)' : string
elif year date_time < 1000
then $'\'{dt.month}-{}-{dt.year} {dt:%I}:{dt:%M}:{dt:%S} {dt:%p}\'.format(dt=!date_time)' : string
else $'\'{dt.month}-{}-{dt:%y} {dt:%I}:{dt:%M}:{dt:%S} {dt:%p}\'.format(dt=!date_time)' : string
In [ ]:
inl format_iso8601 (date_time : date_time) : string =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => date_time |> format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss.fff" : string
Python = fun () => date_time |> format "%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.%f" : string
In [ ]:
inl min_value () : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'System.DateTime.MinValue' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'datetime.datetime.min' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
min_value ()
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-1 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-1 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-1 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-1 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-1 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
inl max_value () : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'System.DateTime.MaxValue' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'datetime.datetime.max' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
max_value ()
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "12-31-99 11:59:59 PM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 12-31-99 11:59:59 PM / expected: 12-31-99 11:59:59 PM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "12-31-99 11:59:59 PM" / expected: "12-31-99 11:59:59 PM"
In [ ]:
inl unix_epoch () : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'System.DateTime.UnixEpoch' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
unix_epoch ()
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
inl date_time_milliseconds
(year : int) (month : int) (day : int) (hour : int) (minute : int) (second : int) (millisecond : int)
: date_time
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
$'System.DateTime (!year, !month, !day, !hour, !minute, !second, !millisecond)' : date_time
Python = fun () =>
$'datetime.datetime(!year, !month, !day, !hour, !minute, !second, !millisecond)' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_milliseconds 1970 1 1 0 0 0 0
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
inl date_time_utc
(year : int) (month : int) (day : int) (hour : int) (minute : int) (second : int)
: date_time
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
$'System.DateTime (!year, !month, !day, !hour, !minute, !second, System.DateTimeKind.Utc)' : date_time
Python = fun () =>
$'datetime.datetime(!year, !month, !day, !hour, !minute, !second, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_utc 1970 1 1 0 0 0
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
union date_time_kind =
| Unspecified
| Utc
| Local
In [ ]:
inl specify_date_kind (kind : date_time_kind) (date_time : date_time) : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
inl kind : $'System.DateTimeKind' =
match kind with
| Unspecified => $'System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified'
| Utc => $'System.DateTimeKind.Utc'
| Local => $'System.DateTimeKind.Local'
$'System.DateTime.SpecifyKind (!date_time, !kind)' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'!date_time.replace(tzinfo=None)' : date_time
In [ ]:
inl to_universal_time (date_time : date_time) : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => date_time |> $'_.ToUniversalTime()' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'!date_time.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_milliseconds 1970 1 1 0 0 0 0
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> to_universal_time
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_utc 1970 1 1 0 0 0
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_utc 1970 1 1 0 0 0
|> specify_date_kind Local
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
date_time_utc 1970 1 1 0 0 0
|> specify_date_kind Unspecified
|> format ""
|> _assert_eq "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM / expected: 1-1-70 12:00:00 AM
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM" / expected: "1-1-70 12:00:00 AM"
In [ ]:
nominal time_span_python =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Python = (fun () => global "import datetime") : () -> ()
$'' : $'datetime.timedelta'
type time_span_switch =
Fsharp : $'System.TimeSpan'
Python : time_span_python
nominal time_span = $'backend_switch `(time_span_switch)'
inl time_span x : time_span =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => x |> convert : time_span
Python = fun () => $'datetime.timedelta(!x)' : time_span
In [ ]:
inl new_time_span (a : date_time) (b : date_time) : time_span =
$'!b - !a '
In [ ]:
inl total_seconds (time_span : time_span) : f64 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => time_span |> $'_.TotalSeconds' : f64
Python = fun () => $'!time_span.total_seconds()' : f64
In [ ]:
inl ticks (date_time : date_time) : timestamp =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
run_target function
| Rust (Contract) => fun () => null ()
| _ => fun () => date_time |> $'_.Ticks'
: timestamp
Python = fun () =>
date_time |> new_time_span (min_value ()) |> total_seconds |> ((*) 10000000) |> convert : timestamp
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
unix_epoch ()
|> ticks
|> _assert_eq' (621355968000000000i64 |> convert)
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq' / actual: 621355968000000000 / expected: 621355968000000000 .rs output: __assert_eq' / actual: 621355968000000000 / expected: 621355968000000000
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: 621355968000000000L / expected: 621355968000000000L
In [ ]:
inl time_span_format (format : string) (time_span : time_span) : string =
run_target function
| TypeScript _
| Python _ => fun () =>
$'!time_span.ToString ("c", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)'
| _ => fun () =>
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'!time_span.ToString !format ' : string
Python = fun () => $'!time_span ' : string
In [ ]:
inl hours (time_span : time_span) : i32 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => time_span |> $'_.Hours' : i32
Python = fun () => $'!time_span.seconds // 3600' : i32
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
(join date_time_milliseconds 2002 2 2 20 22 24 26)
|> new_time_span (date_time_milliseconds 2001 1 1 10 11 12 13)
|> hours
|> _assert_eq 10
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 10 / expected: 10
In [ ]:
inl minutes (time_span : time_span) : i32 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => time_span |> $'_.Minutes' : i32
Python = fun () => $'(!time_span.seconds // 60) % 60' : i32
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
(join date_time_milliseconds 2002 2 2 20 22 24 26)
|> new_time_span (date_time_milliseconds 2001 1 1 10 11 12 13)
|> minutes
|> _assert_eq 11
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 11 / expected: 11 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 11 / expected: 11 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 11 / expected: 11 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 11 / expected: 11
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 11 / expected: 11
In [ ]:
inl seconds (time_span : time_span) : i32 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => time_span |> $'_.Seconds' : i32
Python = fun () => $'!time_span.seconds % 60' : i32
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
(join date_time_milliseconds 2002 2 2 20 22 24 26)
|> new_time_span (date_time_milliseconds 2001 1 1 10 11 12 13)
|> seconds
|> _assert_eq 12
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 12 / expected: 12 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 12 / expected: 12 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 12 / expected: 12 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 12 / expected: 12
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 12 / expected: 12
In [ ]:
inl milliseconds (time_span : time_span) : i32 =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => time_span |> $'_.Milliseconds' : i32
Python = fun () => $'!time_span.microseconds' : i32
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! cuda
///! rust
///! typescript
///! python
(join date_time_milliseconds 2002 2 2 20 22 24 26)
|> new_time_span (date_time_milliseconds 2001 1 1 10 11 12 13)
|> milliseconds
|> _assert_eq 13
.py output (Cuda): __assert_eq / actual: 13 / expected: 13 .rs output: __assert_eq / actual: 13 / expected: 13 .ts output: __assert_eq / actual: 13 / expected: 13 .py output: __assert_eq / actual: 13 / expected: 13
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: 13 / expected: 13
In [ ]:
nominal time_zone_info = $'System.TimeZoneInfo'
In [ ]:
inl add_days (days : i32) (date_time : date_time) : date_time =
$'!date_time.AddDays' days
In [ ]:
inl now () : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () =>
run_target function
| Rust (Contract) => fun () => null ()
| _ => fun () => $'System.DateTime.Now'
: date_time
Python = fun () => $'' : date_time
In [ ]:
inl utc_now () : date_time =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => $'System.DateTime.UtcNow' : date_time
Python = fun () => $'datetime.datetime.utcnow()' : date_time
In [ ]:
nominal stopwatch_python =
global "import timeit"
$'' : $'timeit.default_timer'
type stopwatch_switch =
Fsharp : $'System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch'
Python : stopwatch_python
nominal stopwatch = $'backend_switch `(stopwatch_switch)'
inl stopwatch () : stopwatch =
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => () |> convert : stopwatch
Python = fun () => $'`stopwatch ' : stopwatch
In [ ]:
inl stopwatch_elapsed_milliseconds (stopwatch : stopwatch) : i64 =
In [ ]:
inl stopwatch_start (stopwatch : stopwatch) : () =
$'!stopwatch.Start' ()
In [ ]:
nominal duration =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"std::time::Duration\")>]\n#endif\ntype std_time_Duration = class end"
$'' : $'std_time_Duration'
In [ ]:
nominal date_time' t =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp = (fun () => global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"chrono::DateTime<$0>\")>]\n#endif\ntype chrono_DateTime<'T> = class end") : () -> ()
$'' : $'chrono_DateTime<`t>'
In [ ]:
nominal local =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"chrono::Local\")>]\n#endif\ntype chrono_Local = class end"
$'' : $'chrono_Local'
In [ ]:
nominal naive_date_time =
backend_switch `(()) `({}) {
Fsharp = (fun () => global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"chrono::NaiveDateTime\")>]\n#endif\ntype chrono_NaiveDateTime = class end") : () -> ()
$'' : $'chrono_NaiveDateTime'
In [ ]:
nominal utc =
global "#if FABLE_COMPILER\n[<Fable.Core.Erase; Fable.Core.Emit(\"chrono::Utc\")>]\n#endif\ntype chrono_Utc = class end"
$'' : $'chrono_Utc'
In [ ]:
inl naive_utc (date_time : date_time' utc) : naive_date_time =
!\\(date_time, $'"$0.naive_utc()"')
In [ ]:
inl to_local (date_time : date_time' utc) : date_time' local =
inl naive_date_time = date_time |> naive_utc
!\\(naive_date_time, $'"chrono::offset::TimeZone::from_utc_datetime(&chrono::Local, &$0)"')
In [ ]:
inl from_timestamp_micros forall t {number; int}. (timestamp : t) : option (date_time' utc) =
inl result : optionm'.option' (date_time' utc) =
!\\(timestamp, $'"chrono::DateTime::from_timestamp_micros($0)"')
result |> optionm'.unbox
In [ ]:
inl format' (format : string) (date_time : date_time' utc) : sm'.std_string =
!\\((date_time, #format), $'"$0.format($1).to_string()"')
In [ ]:
inl format'' (format : string) (date_time : date_time' _) : sm'.std_string =
!\\((date_time, #format), $'"$0.format($1).to_string()"')
In [ ]:
inl format_timestamp forall t {number; int}. (timestamp : t) =
inl timestamp = join timestamp
(timestamp / 1000)
|> from_timestamp_micros
|> fun x =>
|> to_local
|> format'' "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
|> sm'.from_std_string
|> resultm.from_option
In [ ]:
inl duration_from_millis (ms : u64) : duration =
inl ms = join ms
In [ ]:
inl time_zone_local () : time_zone_info =
run_target function
| Fsharp _ => fun () =>
| Rust (Native) => fun () =>
open rust.rust_operators
!\($'"std::sync::Arc::new(chrono::FixedOffset::local_minus_utc(chrono::Local::now().offset()) as i64)"')
| _ => fun () => null ()
In [ ]:
inl get_utc_offset (time_zone_info : time_zone_info) (date_time : date_time) : time_span =
run_target function
| Fsharp _ => fun () => date_time |> $'_.GetUtcOffset' (time_zone_local ())
| Rust (Native | Wasm) => fun () =>
open rust.rust_operators
inl ticks = date_time |> ticks
// inl ticks = ticks |> rust.rust.emit
(!\\((date_time, ticks), $'"chrono::FixedOffset::local_minus_utc(&chrono::DateTime::timezone(&chrono::DateTime::fixed_offset(&chrono::DateTime::from_timestamp_nanos($1))))"') : i32)
|> convert
| target => fun () =>
backend_switch {
Fsharp = fun () => failwith $'$"date_time.get_utc_offset / target: {!target}"' : time_span
Python = fun () => $'!date_time.utcoffset()' : time_span
In [ ]:
let date_time_guid_from_date_time (guid' : guid.guid) (date_time : date_time) =
inl create prefix time_zone : date_time_guid =
inl guid_range =
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> sm'.range
(am'.Start ((prefix |> sm'.length |> fun x => x : i32) + (time_zone |> sm'.length)))
(am'.End eval)
($'$"{!prefix}{!time_zone}{!guid_range}"' : string) |> guid.new_guid
run_target function
| Rust (Contract) => fun () => null ()
| Rust (Native | Wasm) => fun () =>
inl epoch =
unix_epoch ()
|> to_universal_time
inl date_time =
|> specify_date_kind Local
|> to_universal_time
inl unixticks =
match date_time |> ticks, epoch |> ticks with
| timestamp date_time, timestamp epoch => convert date_time - convert epoch : i64
inl prefix =
unixticks / 10
|> from_timestamp_micros
|> (
>> format'' "%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S%f"
>> sm'.from_std_string
>> fun s => $'$"{!s.[0..17]}-{!s.[18..21]}-{!s.[22]}"'
|> optionm'.default_value ""
inl time_zone = date_time |> get_utc_offset (time_zone_local ())
inl time_zone_signal = if hours time_zone > 0 then 1u8 else 0
inl time_zone_value = time_zone |> time_span_format (join "hh:mm")
inl time_zone = $'$"{!time_zone_signal}{!time_zone_value.[0..1]}{!time_zone_value.[3..4]}"'
create prefix time_zone
| target => fun () =>
inl prefix = date_time |> format (join "yyyyMMdd-HHmm-ssff-ffff-f")
inl time_zone = date_time |> get_utc_offset (time_zone_local ())
inl time_zone_signal = if hours time_zone > 0 then 1u8 else 0
inl time_zone_value = time_zone |> time_span_format (join "hhmm")
inl time_zone = $'$"{!time_zone_signal}{!time_zone_value}"'
create prefix time_zone
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
////! cuda
///! rust -d chrono
inl suffix = test_guid () |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.range (am'.End fun x => x () - 6i32) (am'.End eval)
unix_epoch ()
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> to_universal_time
|> date_time_guid_from_date_time (test_guid ())
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> fun s => s |> _assert_eq' $'$"{!(s |> sm'.slice 0i32 29)}{!suffix}"'
.rs output (rust -d chrono): __assert_eq' / actual: "19700101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "19700101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: "19700101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "19700101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! rust -d chrono
inl suffix = test_guid () |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.range (am'.End fun x => x () - 6i32) (am'.End eval)
min_value ()
|> specify_date_kind Local
|> date_time_guid_from_date_time (test_guid ())
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> fun s => s |> _assert_eq' $'$"00010101-0000-0000-0000-0{!(s |> sm'.slice 25i32 29)}{!suffix}"'
.rs output (rust -d chrono): __assert_eq' / actual: "00010101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "00010101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
.fsx output: __assert_eq' / actual: "00010101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "00010101-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
inl suffix = test_guid () |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.range (am'.End fun x => x () - 6i32) (am'.End eval)
max_value ()
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> add_days -1
|> date_time_guid_from_date_time (test_guid ())
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> fun s => s |> _assert_eq $'$"99991230-2359-5999-9999-9{!(s |> sm'.slice 25i32 29)}{!suffix}"'
__assert_eq / actual: "99991230-2359-5999-9999-900000cba987" / expected: "99991230-2359-5999-9999-900000cba987"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! rust -d chrono
inl suffix = test_guid () |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.range (am'.End fun x => x () - 6i32) (am'.End eval)
max_value ()
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> add_days -1
|> date_time_guid_from_date_time (test_guid ())
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> fun s => s |> _assert_eq $'$"99991230-2359-5999-9999-0{!(s |> sm'.slice 25i32 29)}{!suffix}"'
__assert_eq / actual: "99991230-2359-5999-9999-000000cba987" / expected: "99991230-2359-5999-9999-000000cba987"
In [ ]:
//// test
///! fsharp
///! rust -d chrono
inl suffix = test_guid () |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.range (am'.End fun x => x () - 6i32) (am'.End eval)
unix_epoch ()
|> specify_date_kind Utc
|> add_days 1
|> date_time_guid_from_date_time (test_guid ())
|> sm'.obj_to_string
|> fun s => s |> _assert_eq $'$"19700102-0000-0000-0000-0{!(s |> sm'.slice 25i32 29)}{!suffix}"'
.rs output (rust -d chrono): __assert_eq / actual: "19700102-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "19700102-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
.fsx output: __assert_eq / actual: "19700102-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987" / expected: "19700102-0000-0000-0000-000000cba987"
In [ ]:
inl date_time_from_guid (date_time_guid : date_time_guid) =
inl date_time_guid = date_time_guid |> sm'.obj_to_string
inl sm_replace = sm'.replace "-" ""
run_target_args (fun () => sm_replace) function
| (Rust _ | TypeScript _) => fun sm_replace =>
$'System.DateTime.Parse (!date_time_guid.[..24] |> !sm_replace)' : date_time
| _ => fun sm_replace => $'System.DateTime.ParseExact (!date_time_guid.[..24] |> !sm_replace, "yyyyMMddHHmmssfffffff", null)' : date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
date_time_from_guid (guid.new_guid "00010101-0000-0000-0000-0a9876543210")
|> _assert_eq' (min_value ())
__assert_eq' / actual: 01/01/0001 00:00:00 / expected: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
In [ ]:
//// test
date_time_from_guid (guid.new_guid $'$"99991231-2359-5999-9999-9{(!test_guid () |> string).[^10..]}"')
|> _assert_eq' (max_value ())
__assert_eq' / actual: 12/31/9999 23:59:59 / expected: 12/31/9999 23:59:59
In [ ]:
//// test
date_time_from_guid (guid.new_guid $'$"19700101-0000-0000-0000-0{(!test_guid () |> string).[^10..]}"')
|> _assert_eq' $'System.DateTime.UnixEpoch'
__assert_eq' / actual: 01/01/1970 00:00:00 / expected: 01/01/1970 00:00:00
In [ ]:
inl timestamp_guid_from_timestamp (guid : guid.guid) (timestamp : timestamp) : timestamp_guid =
inl guid = guid |> sm'.obj_to_string
inl timestamp = timestamp |> sm'.obj_to_string |> sm'.pad_left 18i32 '0'
$'`timestamp_guid $"{!timestamp.[0..7]}-{!timestamp.[8..11]}-{!timestamp.[12..15]}-{!timestamp.[16..17]}{!guid.[21..]}"'
In [ ]:
//// test
timestamp_guid_from_timestamp (test_guid ()) (0i64 |> convert |> timestamp)
|> _assert_eq' (guid.new_guid "00000000-0000-0000-0043-210fedcba987")
__assert_eq' / actual: 00000000-0000-0000-0043-210fedcba987 / expected: 00000000-0000-0000-0043-210fedcba987
In [ ]:
//// test
timestamp_guid_from_timestamp (test_guid ()) (999999999999999999i64 |> convert |> timestamp)
|> _assert_eq' (guid.new_guid $'$"99999999-9999-9999-9943-2{(!test_guid () |> string).[^10..]}"')
__assert_eq' / actual: 99999999-9999-9999-9943-210fedcba987 / expected: 99999999-9999-9999-9943-210fedcba987
In [ ]:
inl timestamp_from_guid (guid : date_time_guid) : timestamp =
inl guid = guid |> sm'.obj_to_string
$'`i64 $"{!guid.[0..7]}{!guid.[9..12]}{!guid.[14..17]}{!guid.[19..20]}"'
In [ ]:
//// test
timestamp_from_guid (guid.new_guid "00000000-0000-0000-00dc-ba9876543210")
|> _assert_eq' (0i64 |> convert |> timestamp)
__assert_eq' / actual: 0L / expected: 0L
In [ ]:
//// test
timestamp_from_guid (guid.new_guid $'$"99999999-9999-9999-99{(!test_guid () |> string).[^14..]}"')
|> _assert_eq' (999999999999999999i64 |> convert |> timestamp)
__assert_eq' / actual: 999999999999999999L / expected: 999999999999999999L
In [ ]:
inl new_guid_from_date_time (date_time : date_time) =
inl guid = guid.new_raw_guid ()
date_time_guid_from_date_time guid date_time
In [ ]:
//// test
utc_now ()
|> new_guid_from_date_time
|> date_time_from_guid
|> fun date_time => new_time_span date_time (utc_now ()) |> total_seconds |> i32
|> _assert_eq 0
__assert_eq / actual: 0 / expected: 0
In [ ]:
inl new_guid_from_timestamp (timestamp : timestamp) =
inl guid = guid.new_raw_guid ()
timestamp_guid_from_timestamp guid timestamp
In [ ]:
//// test
utc_now ()
|> ticks
|> new_guid_from_timestamp
|> timestamp_from_guid
|> fun (timestamp t) => (convert t - (utc_now () |> ticks |> fun (timestamp x) => convert x)) / 100000i64
|> _assert_eq 0i64
__assert_eq / actual: 0L / expected: 0L
In [ ]:
inl main () =
$'let date_time_guid_from_date_time x = !date_time_guid_from_date_time x' : ()
$'let date_time_from_guid x = !date_time_from_guid x' : ()
$'let timestamp_guid_from_timestamp x = !timestamp_guid_from_timestamp x' : ()
$'let timestamp_from_guid x = !timestamp_from_guid x' : ()
$'let new_guid_from_date_time x = !new_guid_from_date_time x' : ()
$'let new_guid_from_timestamp x = !new_guid_from_timestamp x' : ()
$'let format x = !format x' : ()
$'let format_iso8601 x = !format_iso8601 x' : ()