In [ ]:
open rust.rust_operators
open rust
open sm'_operators
In [ ]:
inl get_args () =
exception = "exception", 'e'
trace_level = "trace_level", 't'
wasm = "wasm", 'w'
In [ ]:
let get_command () =
|> runtime.new_command
|> runtime.command_args_override_self true
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .exception) (
runtime.arg_num_args_range (
(am'.End eval)
(am'.End fun _ => (1i32 |> convert : unativeint))
>> runtime.arg_require_equals true
>> runtime.arg_default_missing_value ""
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .trace_level) (
real runtime.arg_union `trace_level ignore
|> runtime.command_init_arg (get_args () .wasm) (
runtime.arg_required true
In [ ]:
let rec run
(matches : runtime.arg_matches)
: async.future_pin (
fun () =>
inl wasm_path =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .wasm |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.value
|> sm'.from_std_string
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { wasm_path }
inl wasm = wasm_path |> file_system.read |> resultm.try'
let fn (retry : u8) =
fun () =>
inl worker = near_workspaces.sandbox_worker () |> resultm.try'
inl contract = worker |> near_workspaces.dev_deploy wasm |> async.await |> resultm.try'
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { retry worker contract }
inl result =
|> near_workspaces.call "state_main"
|> near_workspaces.gas (near_workspaces.from_tgas 300)
|> near_workspaces.transact
|> async.await
|> resultm.try'
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { retry result }
|> near_workspaces.logs
|> am'.vec_map sm'.ref_to_std_string
|> am'.vec_for_each console.write_line
trace_raw Info (fun () => " ")
result |> near_workspaces.print_usd retry
inl result2 = result |> near_workspaces.into_result
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { result2 }
inl receipt_failures = result |> near_workspaces.receipt_failures
inl receipt_failures_len = receipt_failures |> am'.vec_len |> i32
trace Verbose
fun () => "spiral_wasm.run"
fun () => { receipt_failures_len receipt_failures }
inl receipt_outcomes = result |> near_workspaces.receipt_outcomes
inl receipt_outcomes_len = receipt_outcomes |> am'.vec_len |> i32
trace Verbose
fun () => "spiral_wasm.run"
fun () => { receipt_outcomes_len receipt_outcomes }
inl json = result |> near_workspaces.json
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { json }
inl borsh = result |> near_workspaces.borsh
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { borsh }
inl error = { receipt_outcomes_len retry receipt_failures } |> sm'.format
if receipt_failures_len > 0
then (Ok (Some error) : _ _ resultm.anyhow_error) |> resultm.box
elif receipt_outcomes_len > 1
then (Ok None : _ _ resultm.anyhow_error) |> resultm.box
else error |> resultm.anyhow_error |> resultm.err
|> async.new_future_move
let rec loop (retry : u8) =
inl max = 15
inl init (error : _ string) =
fun () =>
{ retry error }
|> async.new_future_move
fun () =>
inl result =
fn retry
|> async.await
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
|> resultm.unbox
match result with
| Ok (None) =>
init None
|> async.await
|> Ok
| Ok (Some error) =>
trace Critical (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run / Ok (Some error)") fun () => { retry error }
init (Some error)
|> async.await
|> Error
| Error error when retry >= max =>
trace Warning (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run / Error error") fun () => { retry error }
trace_raw Warning (fun () => "\n")
init None
|> async.await
|> Ok
| Error error =>
trace Warning (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run / Error error") fun () => { retry error }
trace_raw Warning (fun () => "\n")
loop (retry + 1) |> async.await
|> async.new_future_move
inl retries = loop 1 |> async.await
trace Verbose (fun () => "spiral_wasm.run") fun () => { retries }
match retries with
| Ok { retry } => Ok retry |> resultm.box
| Error { retry error } => { retries error } |> sm'.format |> resultm.anyhow_error |> resultm.err
|> async.new_future_move
In [ ]:
///! _
inl main (args : array_base string) =
inl command = get_command ()
inl arg_matches = command |> runtime.command_get_matches
inl trace_level =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .trace_level |> fst)
|> optionm'.unbox
|> optionm.map (
>> reflection.union_try_pick
|> optionm'.flatten
|> optionm'.default_value Verbose
inl trace_state = get_trace_state_or_init (Some trace_level)
trace Verbose
fun () => "spiral_wasm.main"
fun () => { args }
inl exception =
|> runtime.matches_get_one (get_args () .exception |> fst)
|> optionm'.map (sm'.from_std_string >> sm'.trim_start [ '\\' ] >> sm'.trim_end [ '\\' ])
|> optionm'.unbox
inl result =
|> run
|> async.block_on_tokio
|> resultm.map_error' sm'.format'
match result |> resultm.unbox, exception with
| Ok retries, Some exception =>
($'$"spiral_wasm.main / retries: {!retries} / exception: \'{!exception}\'"' : string)
|> resultm.err |> resultm.unwrap'
| Error _error, Some ("") =>
| Error error, Some exception when error |> sm'.from_std_string |> sm'.contains exception =>
| Error error, Some exception =>
($'$"spiral_wasm.main / exception: \'{!exception}\' / error: {!error}"' : string)
|> resultm.err |> resultm.unwrap'
| Ok _retries, _ =>
| Error _error, _ =>
result |> resultm.unwrap' |> ignore
inl main () =
$'let main args = !main args' : ()