Eval (Polyglot)¶
In [ ]:
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/fsharp.control.asyncseq/3.2.1/lib/netstandard2.1/FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/system.reactive/6.0.1-preview.1/lib/net6.0/System.Reactive.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/system.reactive.linq/6.0.1-preview.1/lib/netstandard2.0/System.Reactive.Linq.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/argu/6.2.4/lib/netstandard2.0/Argu.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/microsoft.aspnetcore.http.connections.common/7.0.0/lib/net7.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.Common.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/microsoft.aspnetcore.http.connections.client/7.0.0/lib/net7.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.Client.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/microsoft.aspnetcore.signalr.common/7.0.0/lib/net7.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Common.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/microsoft.aspnetcore.signalr.client/7.0.0/lib/net7.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/microsoft.aspnetcore.signalr.client.core/7.0.0/lib/net7.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.Core.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/fsharp.json/0.4.1/lib/netstandard2.0/FSharp.Json.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/system.management/7.0.0/lib/netstandard2.0/System.Management.dll"
In [ ]:
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Notebooks.dib
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Testing.dib
In [ ]:
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Common.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/CommonFSharp.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Async.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/AsyncSeq.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Runtime.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/FileSystem.fs
#!import ../../apps/builder/Builder.fs
#!import ../../apps/spiral/Supervisor.fs
In [ ]:
open Lib
In [ ]:
open Common
open SpiralFileSystem.Operators
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client
In [ ]:
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Text
open System.Threading
In [ ]:
let inline mapErrors (severity, errors, lastTopLevelIndex) allCode =
let allCodeLineLength =
allCode |> SpiralSm.split "\n" |> Array.length
|> List.map (fun (_, error) ->
match error with
| Supervisor.FatalError message ->
severity, message, 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
|> List.singleton
| Supervisor.TracedError data ->
|> List.truncate 5
|> List.append [ data.message ]
|> List.map (fun message ->
severity, message, 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
| Supervisor.PackageErrors data
| Supervisor.TokenizerErrors data
| Supervisor.ParserErrors data
| Supervisor.TypeErrors data ->
|> List.filter (fun ((rangeStart, _), _) ->
trace Debug (fun () -> $"Eval.mapErrors / rangeStart.line: {rangeStart.line} / lastTopLevelIndex: {lastTopLevelIndex} / allCodeLineLength: {allCodeLineLength} / filtered: {rangeStart.line > allCodeLineLength}") _locals
rangeStart.line > allCodeLineLength
|> List.map (fun ((rangeStart, rangeEnd), message) ->
(data.uri |> System.IO.Path.GetFileName),
(match lastTopLevelIndex with
| Some i when rangeStart.line >= i + allCodeLineLength + 3 ->
rangeStart.line - allCodeLineLength - 2
| _ -> rangeStart.line - allCodeLineLength),
(match lastTopLevelIndex with
| Some i when rangeStart.line >= i + allCodeLineLength + 3 ->
rangeStart.character - 4
| _ -> rangeStart.character)
(match lastTopLevelIndex with
| Some i when rangeStart.line >= i + allCodeLineLength + 3 ->
rangeEnd.line - allCodeLineLength - 2
| _ -> rangeEnd.line - allCodeLineLength),
(match lastTopLevelIndex with
| Some i when rangeStart.line >= i + allCodeLineLength + 3 ->
rangeEnd.character - 4
| _ -> rangeEnd.character)
|> List.collect id
|> List.toArray
In [ ]:
let workspaceRoot = SpiralFileSystem.get_workspace_root ()
In [ ]:
let targetDir = workspaceRoot </> "target/spiral_Eval"
[ targetDir ]
|> List.iter (fun dir -> if Directory.Exists dir |> not then Directory.CreateDirectory dir |> ignore)
In [ ]:
let assemblyName = Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name
In [ ]:
let mutable allCode = ""
In [ ]:
let mutable allPackages : string [] = [||]
In [ ]:
let mutable allCodeReal = ""
In [ ]:
let mutable traceToggle = false
In [ ]:
let getParentProcessId () =
if SpiralPlatform.is_windows () |> not
then 0u
let pid = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id
let query = $"SELECT ParentProcessId FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = {pid}"
use searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher (query)
use results = searcher.Get ()
let data = results |> Seq.cast<System.Management.ManagementObject>
if data |> Seq.isEmpty
then 0u
else data |> Seq.head |> (fun mo -> mo.["ParentProcessId"] :?> uint32)
In [ ]:
let inline startTokenRangeWatcher () =
if [ "dotnet-repl" ] |> List.contains assemblyName
then new_disposable (fun () -> ())
let tokensDir = targetDir </> "tokens"
[ tokensDir ]
|> List.iter (fun dir -> if Directory.Exists dir |> not then Directory.CreateDirectory dir |> ignore)
let stream, disposable = FileSystem.watchDirectory (fun _ -> false) tokensDir
let existingFilesChild =
|> System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories
|> Array.map (fun codeDir -> async {
let tokensPath = codeDir </> "tokens.json"
if tokensPath |> File.Exists |> not then
let spiralCodePath = codeDir </> "main.spi"
let spiralRealCodePath = codeDir </> "main_real.spir"
let spiralExists = spiralCodePath |> System.IO.File.Exists
let spiralRealExists = spiralRealCodePath |> System.IO.File.Exists
if spiralExists |> not && spiralRealExists |> not
then do! codeDir |> SpiralFileSystem.delete_directory_async |> Async.Ignore
let! tokens =
if spiralExists then spiralCodePath else spiralRealCodePath
|> Supervisor.getFileTokenRange None None
match tokens with
| Some tokens ->
|> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize
|> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_async tokensPath
| None ->
trace Verbose (fun () -> $"Eval.startTokenRangeWatcher / GetDirectories / tokens: None") _locals
with ex ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.startTokenRangeWatcher / GetDirectories / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}") _locals
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.Ignore
let streamAsyncChild =
|> FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq.iterAsyncParallel (fun (ticks, event) ->
match event with
| FileSystem.FileSystemChange.Changed (codePath, _)
when [ "main.spi"; "main_real.spir" ]
|> List.contains (System.IO.Path.GetFileName codePath)
async {
let hashDir = codePath |> System.IO.Directory.GetParent
let hashHex = hashDir.Name
let codePath = tokensDir </> codePath
let tokensPath = tokensDir </> hashHex </> "tokens.json"
// do! Async.Sleep 30
let rec loop retry = async {
let! tokens = codePath |> Supervisor.getFileTokenRange None None
if retry = 3 || tokens <> Some [||]
then return tokens, retry
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.startTokenRangeWatcher / iterAsyncParallel")
(fun () -> $"retry: {retry} / tokens: %A{tokens}")
do! Async.Sleep 30
return! loop (retry + 1)
let! tokens, retries = loop 1
match tokens with
| Some tokens ->
|> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize
|> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_exists tokensPath
| None ->
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.startTokenRangeWatcher / iterAsyncParallel")
(fun () -> $"retries: {retries} / tokens: {tokens}")
|> Async.retryAsync 3
|> Async.map (Result.toOption >> Option.defaultValue ())
| _ -> () |> Async.init
let parentAsyncChild = async {
let parentProcessId = getParentProcessId ()
trace Verbose
(fun () -> "Eval.parentAsyncChild")
(fun () -> $"parentProcessId: {parentProcessId} / {_locals ()}")
if parentProcessId > 0u then
let parentProcess = parentProcessId |> int |> System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById
do! parentProcess.WaitForExitAsync () |> Async.AwaitTask
trace Debug
(fun () -> "Eval.parentAsyncChild / Parent process has exited. Performing cleanup...")
(fun () -> $"{_locals ()}")
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
System.Environment.Exit 1
async {
do! Async.Sleep 3000
existingFilesChild |> Async.StartImmediate
streamAsyncChild |> Async.Start
parentAsyncChild |> Async.Start
|> Async.Start
with ex ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.startTokenRangeWatcher / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}") _locals
In [ ]:
let startCommandsWatcher (uriServer : string) =
let commandsDir = targetDir </> "eval_commands"
let commandHistoryDir = targetDir </> "eval_command_history"
[ commandsDir; commandHistoryDir ]
|> List.iter (fun dir -> if Directory.Exists dir |> not then Directory.CreateDirectory dir |> ignore)
Directory.EnumerateFiles commandsDir |> Seq.iter File.Delete
let stream, disposable =
|> FileSystem.watchDirectory (function
| FileSystem.FileSystemChange.Created _ -> true
| _ -> false
let connection = HubConnectionBuilder().WithUrl(uriServer).Build()
connection.StartAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Start
// let _ = connection.On<string>("ServerToClientMsg", fun x ->
// printfn $"ServerToClientMsg: '{x}'"
// )
|> FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq.iterAsyncParallel (fun (ticks, event) -> async {
let _locals () = $"ticks: {ticks} / event: {event} / {_locals ()}"
trace Verbose (fun () -> "Eval.startCommandsWatcher / iterAsyncParallel") _locals
match event with
| FileSystem.FileSystemChange.Created (path, Some json) ->
let fullPath = commandsDir </> path
let! result = connection.InvokeAsync<string>("ClientToServerMsg", json) |> Async.AwaitTask
let commandHistoryPath = commandHistoryDir </> path
do! fullPath |> SpiralFileSystem.move_file_async commandHistoryPath |> Async.Ignore
if result |> SpiralSm.trim |> String.length > 0 then
let resultPath = commandHistoryDir </> $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension path}_result.json"
do! result |> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_async resultPath
with ex ->
let _locals () = $"ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / {_locals ()}"
trace Critical (fun () -> "Eval.startCommandsWatcher / iterAsyncParallel") _locals
| _ -> ()
|> Async.StartChild
|> Async.Ignore
|> Async.Start
new_disposable (fun () ->
disposable.Dispose ()
In [ ]:
let prepareSpiral rawCellCode lines =
let lastBlock =
|> Array.tryFindBack (fun line ->
line |> String.length > 0
&& line.[0] <> ' '
let hasMain =
|> Option.exists (fun line ->
line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "inl main "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "let main "
if hasMain
then rawCellCode, None
let lastTopLevelIndex, _ =
(lines |> Array.indexed, (None, false))
||> Array.foldBack (fun (i, line) (lastTopLevelIndex, finished) ->
// trace Verbose (fun () -> $"Eval.prepareSpiral / i: {i} / line: '{line}' / lastTopLevelIndex: {lastTopLevelIndex} / finished: {finished}") _locals
match line with
| _ when finished -> lastTopLevelIndex, true
| "" -> lastTopLevelIndex, false
| line when
line |> SpiralSm.starts_with " "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "// " -> lastTopLevelIndex, false
| line when
line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "open "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "prototype "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "instance "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "type "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "union "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "nominal " -> lastTopLevelIndex, true
| line when
line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "inl "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "and "
|| line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "let " ->
let m =
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (
@"^(?:and +)?(inl|let) +((?:[{( ]*)?[~\(\w]+[\w\d']*(?:|[\w\d']+[ }]*(?:&? *[\w\d']*\))?| *[~\w][\w\d']*\)|, *[~\w][\w\d']*)) +[:=](?! +function)"
trace Verbose (fun () -> $"Eval.prepareSpi / m: '{m}' / m.Groups.Count: {m.Groups.Count}") _locals
if m.Groups.Count = 3
then Some i, false
else lastTopLevelIndex, true
| _ -> Some i, false
let code =
match lastTopLevelIndex with
| Some lastTopLevelIndex ->
|> Array.mapi (fun i line ->
match i with
| i when i < lastTopLevelIndex -> line
| i when i = lastTopLevelIndex -> $"\nlet main () =\n {line}"
| _ when line |> SpiralSm.trim = "" -> ""
| _ -> $" {line}"
|> SpiralSm.concat "\n"
| None -> $"{rawCellCode}\n\ninl main () = ()\n"
code, lastTopLevelIndex
In [ ]:
let processSpiralOutput
(props : {|
printCode: bool
traceLevel: TraceLevel
builderCommands: string array
lastTopLevelIndex: int option
backend: Supervisor.Backend
cancellationToken: _
spiralErrors: _
code: string
outputPath: string
isReal: bool
= async {
let inline _trace (fn : unit -> string) =
if props.traceLevel = Verbose
then trace Info (fun () -> $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / props: {props |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / {fn ()}") _locals
else fn () |> System.Console.WriteLine
if props.printCode && props.backend <> Supervisor.Cuda then
let ext = props.outputPath |> System.IO.Path.GetExtension
_trace (fun () -> if props.builderCommands.Length > 0 then $"{ext}:\n{props.code}\n" else props.code)
let workspaceRootExternal =
let currentDir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory () |> SpiralSm.to_lower
let workspaceRoot = workspaceRoot |> SpiralSm.to_lower
if currentDir |> SpiralSm.starts_with workspaceRoot
then None
else Some workspaceRoot
let! spiralBuilderResults =
match props.builderCommands, props.lastTopLevelIndex with
| [||], _ | _, None -> [||] |> Async.init
| builderCommands, _ ->
|> Array.map (fun builderCommand ->
let path =
workspaceRoot </> $@"deps/spiral/workspace/target/release/spiral{SpiralPlatform.get_executable_suffix ()}"
|> System.IO.Path.GetFullPath
let commands =
if props.backend = Supervisor.Fsharp
&& (
builderCommand |> SpiralSm.starts_with "rust"
|| builderCommand |> SpiralSm.starts_with "typescript"
|| builderCommand |> SpiralSm.starts_with "python"
then [| $"{path} fable --fs-path \"{props.outputPath}\" --command \"{builderCommand}\"" |]
elif props.backend = Supervisor.Cuda
&& builderCommand |> SpiralSm.starts_with "cuda"
then [| $"{path} {builderCommand} --py-path \"{props.outputPath}\"" |]
else [||]
builderCommand, commands
|> Array.filter (fun (_, commands) -> commands.Length > 0)
|> Array.collect (fun (builderCommand, commands) ->
|> Array.map (fun command -> async {
let! exitCode, result =
SpiralRuntime.execution_options (fun x ->
{ x with
l0 = command
l1 = props.cancellationToken
l2 = [|
"AUTOMATION", assemblyName = "dotnet-repl" |> string
"TRACE_LEVEL", $"%A{if props.printCode then props.traceLevel else Info}"
l6 = workspaceRootExternal
|> SpiralRuntime.execute_with_options_async
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / spiral cli")
(fun () -> $"exitCode: {exitCode} / builderCommand: {builderCommand} / command: {command} / result: {result |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / {_locals ()}")
if exitCode = 0
then {| code = result; eval = false; builderCommand = builderCommand |} |> Ok
else result |> Error
|> Async.Parallel
let hasEval =
props.backend = Supervisor.Fsharp
&& props.builderCommands |> Array.exists (fun x -> x |> SpiralSm.starts_with "fsharp")
let outputResult =
if props.builderCommands.Length > 0 && not hasEval
then None
let code =
if props.builderCommands.Length > 1
let header = "System.Console.WriteLine \".fsx output:\"\n"
else props.code
Some (Ok [ {| code = code; eval = true; builderCommand = "" |} ])
match outputResult, spiralBuilderResults with
| Some outputResult, [||] ->
return outputResult, [||]
| None, [||] ->
return Ok [ {| code = "()"; eval = true; builderCommand = "" |} ], [||]
| _, spiralBuilderResults ->
let spiralResults =
match outputResult with
| Some (Ok code) ->
|> Array.append (code |> List.map Ok |> List.toArray)
| _ -> spiralBuilderResults
let codes =
|> Array.map (fun spiralBuilderResult' ->
let commandResult, errors =
match spiralBuilderResult' with
| Ok result when result.eval = false ->
let result' =
|> FSharp.Json.Json.deserialize<Map<string,string>>
let result =
match result' |> Map.tryFind "command_result" with
| Some result'' ->
|> FSharp.Json.Json.deserialize<Map<string,string>>
|> Map.add "builderCommand" result.builderCommand
| None -> Map.empty
result, [||]
| Ok result when result.eval = true ->
let result =
"extension", "fsx"
"code", result.code
"output", ""
|> Map.ofList
result, [||]
| Error error ->
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / evalResult error / errors[0] / outputPath: {props.outputPath} / builderCommands: %A{props.builderCommands} / spiralBuilderResult': %A{spiralBuilderResult'} / error: %A{error}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
| _ ->
Map.empty, [||]
if errors |> Array.isEmpty |> not
then Error (Exception $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / evalResult errors / Exception / commandResult: %A{commandResult}"), errors
let extension = commandResult.["extension"]
let code = commandResult.["code"]
let output = commandResult.["output"]
let builderCommand =
|> Map.tryFind "builderCommand"
|> Option.defaultValue ""
let backendInfo =
match props.backend, builderCommand with
| Supervisor.Fsharp, builderCommand
when builderCommand |> SpiralSm.contains " " -> $" ({builderCommand})"
| Supervisor.Fsharp, _ -> ""
| _ -> $" ({props.backend})"
let eval = output = "" && extension = "fsx"
if props.printCode && not eval
then _trace (fun () -> $""".{extension}{backendInfo}:{'\n'}{code}""")
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / result")
(fun () -> $"builderCommand: {builderCommand} / extension: {extension} / commandResult: {commandResult |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400}/ {_locals ()}")
let code =
if props.printCode
|| spiralResults.Length > 1
|| props.builderCommands.Length > 1
if eval
then code
let header = $".{extension} output{backendInfo}:\n"
$"""{if output |> SpiralSm.contains "\n" then "\n" else ""}{header}{output}"""
elif eval
then code
else output
Ok {| code = code; eval = eval; builderCommand = builderCommand |}, [||]
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / codes")
(fun () ->
let props = {| props with cancellationToken = None |}
$"codes: {codes |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / spiralResults: {spiralResults |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / spiralBuilderResults: {spiralBuilderResults |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / props: {props |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / {_locals ()}")
(((Ok []), [||]), codes)
||> Array.fold (fun (acc_code, acc_errors) (code, errors) ->
match code, acc_code with
| Ok code, Ok acc_code ->
let errors =
|> Array.append errors
|> Array.append props.spiralErrors
let errors =
if errors |> Array.isEmpty
then errors
let code = $"%A{code}"
|> Array.append [|
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / errors / errors[-1] / outputPath: {props.outputPath} / builderCommands: %A{props.builderCommands} / code: {code |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
Ok (code :: acc_code), errors
| Error ex, _
| _, Error ex ->
Error (Exception $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / -1 / Exception / spiralBuilderResults: %A{spiralBuilderResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}"),
acc_errors |> Array.append errors
with ex ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / try 2 ex / spiralBuilderResults: %A{spiralBuilderResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}") _locals
Error (Exception $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / try 2 ex / Exception / spiralBuilderResults: %A{spiralBuilderResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}"),
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.processSpiralOutput / try 2 ex / errors[0] / spiralBuilderResults: %A{spiralBuilderResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
In [ ]:
let tryGetPropertyValue (propertyName: string) (obj: obj) =
let objType = obj.GetType ()
let propertyInfo = propertyName |> objType.GetProperty
if propertyInfo <> null
then propertyInfo.GetValue (obj, null) |> Some
else None
In [ ]:
let rec evalAsync
(props : {|
rawCellCode: _
lines: _
isReal: _
builderCommands: _ array
isCache: _
timeout: _
cancellationToken: _
printCode: _
traceLevel: _
fsi_eval: _
= async {
let cellCode, lastTopLevelIndex = prepareSpiral props.rawCellCode props.lines
let newAllCode =
if props.isReal
then $"{allCodeReal}\n\n{cellCode}"
else $"{allCode}\n\n{cellCode}"
let buildBackends =
if props.builderCommands.Length = 0
then [| Supervisor.Fsharp |]
|> Array.map (fun x ->
if x |> SpiralSm.starts_with "cuda"
then Supervisor.Cuda
else Supervisor.Fsharp
|> Array.distinct
trace Verbose
(fun () -> $"Eval.eval")
(fun () -> $"lastTopLevelIndex: {lastTopLevelIndex} / builderCommands: %A{props.builderCommands} / buildBackends: %A{buildBackends} / isReal: {props.isReal} / {_locals ()}")
let! buildCodeResults =
|> Array.map (fun backend -> async {
let! result =
if props.isReal
then Supervisor.Spir newAllCode
(newAllCode, if allCodeReal = "" then None else Some allCodeReal)
|> Supervisor.buildCode backend allPackages props.isCache props.timeout props.cancellationToken
return backend, result
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.catch
|> Async.runWithTimeoutAsync props.timeout
match buildCodeResults with
| Some (Ok buildCodeResults) ->
let! result, errors =
((Ok [], [||]), buildCodeResults)
||> Async.fold (fun acc buildCodeResult -> async {
match buildCodeResult with
| backend, (_, (outputPath, Some code), spiralErrors) ->
let spiralErrors =
allCode |> mapErrors (Warning, spiralErrors, lastTopLevelIndex)
let! result =
printCode = props.printCode
traceLevel = props.traceLevel
builderCommands = props.builderCommands
lastTopLevelIndex = lastTopLevelIndex
backend = backend
cancellationToken = props.cancellationToken
spiralErrors = spiralErrors
code = code
outputPath = outputPath
isReal = props.isReal
match result, acc with
| (Ok code, errors), (Ok acc_code, acc_errors) ->
return Ok (acc_code @ code), acc_errors |> Array.append errors
| (Error ex, errors), _ | _, (Error ex, errors) ->
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / processSpiralOutput / Exception / buildCodeResult: %A{buildCodeResult |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}"),
errors |> Array.append errors
| _, (_, _, errors) when errors |> List.isEmpty |> not ->
return errors.[0] |> fst |> Exception |> Error,
allCode |> mapErrors (TraceLevel.Critical, errors, lastTopLevelIndex)
| _ -> return acc
let cancellationToken = defaultArg props.cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken.None
match result, errors with
| Ok code, [||] ->
let code, eval =
|> List.map (fun code ->
if code.eval
then None, Some code.code
else Some code.code, None
|> List.unzip
let code = code |> List.choose id
let eval = eval |> List.choose id
trace Debug
(fun () -> $"Eval.eval")
(fun () -> $"eval: {eval |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / code: {code |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / {_locals ()}")
let ch, errors =
match eval, code with
| [], [] ->
Choice2Of2 (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / eval=[] / code=[] / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults} / code: %A{code}"), errors
| [ eval ], [] ->
let ch, errors2 = props.fsi_eval eval cancellationToken
let errors =
// |> Array.map (fun (e1, e2, e3, _) ->
// (e1, e2, e3, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0)))
// )
|> Array.append errors
ch, errors
| [], _ ->
let code = code |> List.rev |> String.concat "\n\n"
let code =
if props.printCode
then $"\"\"\"{code}\n\n\"\"\""
else $"\"\"\"{code}\n\"\"\""
let ch, errors2 = props.fsi_eval code cancellationToken
let errors =
// |> Array.map (fun (e1, e2, e3, _) ->
// (e1, e2, e3, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0)))
// )
|> Array.append errors
ch, errors
| _ ->
let code, errors =
((Ok (code |> List.rev), [||]), eval)
||> List.fold (fun (acc, acc_errors) eval ->
match acc with
| Error ch -> Error ch, acc_errors
| Ok acc ->
let ch, errors = props.fsi_eval eval cancellationToken
let errors =
// |> Array.map (fun (e1, e2, e3, _) ->
// (e1, e2, e3, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0)))
// )
|> Array.append acc_errors
match ch with
| Choice1Of2 v ->
let v =
|> tryGetPropertyValue "ReflectionValue"
|> Option.map (fun x -> $"%A{x}")
|> Option.defaultValue ""
Ok (v :: acc), errors
| Choice2Of2 ex ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.evalAsync / fsi_eval fold Choice error / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}") _locals
Error ch, errors
match code with
| Error ch -> ch, errors
| Ok code ->
let code =
|> List.filter ((<>) "")
|> String.concat "\n\n"
let code =
if props.builderCommands.Length > 0 && eval.Length = 0
then code
elif code |> SpiralSm.contains "\n\n\n"
then $"{code}\n\n"
else $"{code}\n"
let code =
if props.printCode
then $"\"\"\"{code}\n\n\n\"\"\""
else $"\"\"\"{code}\n\"\"\""
let ch, errors2 = props.fsi_eval code cancellationToken
let errors =
// |> Array.map (fun (e1, e2, e3, _) ->
// (e1, e2, e3, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0)))
// )
|> Array.append errors
ch, errors
match ch with
| Choice1Of2 v ->
if props.isReal
then allCodeReal <- newAllCode
else allCode <- newAllCode
return Ok(v), errors
| Choice2Of2 ex ->
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / -2 / Exception / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / buildCodeResults: {buildCodeResults |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400}"),
| Ok code, errors ->
Error (Exception "Eval.evalAsync / errors / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults} / code: %A{code}"),
| Error ex, errors ->
let ex = ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception
if retry <= 3 &&
(ex |> SpiralSm.contains "Expected one of: inl, let, union, nominal, prototype, type, instance, and, open")
|| (ex |> SpiralSm.contains "Unexpected end of block past this token.")
then return! evalAsync (retry + 1) props
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / -1 / Exception / ex: {ex} / buildCodeResults: {buildCodeResults |> FSharp.Json.Json.serialize |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 1500}"),
| Some (Error ex) ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.evalAsync / buildCodeResults Error / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}") _locals
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / buildCodeResults Error / Exception / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults} / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception}"),
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.evalAsync / buildCodeResults Error / errors[0] / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
| _ ->
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / buildCodeResults / Exception / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults}"),
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.evalAsync / buildCodeResults / errors[0] / buildCodeResults: %A{buildCodeResults}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
with ex ->
trace Critical (fun () -> $"Eval.evalAsync / try 1 ex / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / lines: %A{props.lines}") _locals
Error (Exception $"Eval.evalAsync / try 1 ex / Exception / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / lines: %A{props.lines}"),
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.evalAsync / try 1 ex / errors[0] / ex: {ex |> SpiralSm.format_exception} / lines: %A{props.lines}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))
In [ ]:
let inline eval
-> System.Threading.CancellationToken
-> Choice<'a, Exception> * (TraceLevel * string * int * (string * (int * int) * (int * int))) array)
(cancellationToken: Option<System.Threading.CancellationToken>)
(code: string)
trace Verbose
(fun () -> $"Eval.eval")
(fun () -> $"code: {code |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / {_locals ()}")
let rawCellCode =
code |> SpiralSm.replace "\r\n" "\n"
let lines = rawCellCode |> SpiralSm.split "\n"
if lines |> Array.exists (fun line -> line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "#r " && line |> SpiralSm.ends_with "\"") then
let cancellationToken = defaultArg cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken.None
let ch, errors = fsi_eval code cancellationToken
trace Verbose (fun () -> $"Eval.eval / fsi_eval 1 / ch: %A{ch} / errors: %A{errors}") _locals
match ch with
| Choice1Of2 v -> Ok(v), errors
| Choice2Of2 ex -> Error(ex), errors
let builderCommands =
|> Array.choose (fun line ->
if line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "///! "
then line |> SpiralSm.split "///! " |> Array.tryItem 1
else None
let packages =
|> Array.choose (fun line ->
if line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "//// package="
then line |> SpiralSm.split "=" |> Array.skip 1 |> SpiralSm.concat "" |> Some
else None
allPackages <- packages |> Array.append allPackages |> Array.distinct
let timeout =
|> Array.tryPick (fun line ->
if line |> SpiralSm.starts_with "//// timeout="
then line |> SpiralSm.split "=" |> Array.tryItem 1 |> Option.map int
else None
|> Option.defaultValue (60000 * 60)
let boolArg def command =
|> Array.tryPick (fun line ->
let text = $"//// {command}"
match line.[0..text.Length-1], line.[text.Length..] with
| head, "" when head = text ->
Some true
| head, _ when head = text ->
line |> SpiralSm.split "=" |> Array.tryItem 1 |> Option.map ((<>) "false")
| _ -> None
|> Option.defaultValue def
let printCode = "print_code" |> boolArg false
let isTraceToggle = "trace_toggle" |> boolArg false
let isTrace = "trace" |> boolArg false
let isCache = "cache" |> boolArg false
let isReal = "real" |> boolArg false
let timeout_continue = "timeout_continue" |> boolArg false
if isTraceToggle
then traceToggle <- not traceToggle
let oldLevel = get_trace_level ()
let traceLevel =
if isTrace || traceToggle
then Verbose
else Info
|> to_trace_level
|> set_trace_level
use _ = (new_disposable (fun () ->
oldLevel |> set_trace_level
evalAsync 1
rawCellCode = rawCellCode
lines = lines
isReal = isReal
builderCommands = builderCommands
isCache = isCache
timeout = timeout
cancellationToken = cancellationToken
printCode = printCode
traceLevel = traceLevel
fsi_eval = fsi_eval
|> Async.runWithTimeout timeout
|> (fun x ->
match x with
| Some ((Ok x), a) -> Some ((Ok x), a)
| Some ((Error x), a) ->
trace Info (fun () -> $"Eval.eval / error / exception: {x.GetType().FullName} / a: %A{a} / x: %A{x}") (fun () -> "")
Some ((Error x), a)
| _ -> None
|> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> (
let lines = lines |> SpiralSm.concat (string '\n') |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 1500
Error (Exception $"Eval.eval / Async.runWithTimeout / Exception / timeout: {timeout} / timeout_continue: {timeout_continue} / lines: {lines}"),
TraceLevel.Critical, $"Eval.eval / Async.runWithTimeout / errors[0] / timeout: {timeout} / lines: {lines}", 0, ("", (0, 0), (0, 0))