Builder (Polyglot)¶
In [ ]:
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/fsharp.control.asyncseq/3.2.1/lib/netstandard2.1/FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/system.reactive/6.0.1-preview.1/lib/net6.0/System.Reactive.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/system.reactive.linq/6.0.1-preview.1/lib/netstandard2.0/System.Reactive.Linq.dll"
#r @"../../../../../../../.nuget/packages/argu/6.2.4/lib/netstandard2.0/Argu.dll"
In [ ]:
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Notebooks.dib
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Testing.dib
In [ ]:
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Common.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/CommonFSharp.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Async.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/AsyncSeq.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/Runtime.fs
#!import ../../lib/fsharp/FileSystem.fs
In [ ]:
open Lib
In [ ]:
open Common
open SpiralFileSystem.Operators
In [ ]:
let inline buildProject runtime outputDir path = async {
let fullPath = path |> System.IO.Path.GetFullPath
let fileDir = fullPath |> System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName
let extension = fullPath |> System.IO.Path.GetExtension
trace Debug
(fun () -> "buildProject")
(fun () -> $"fullPath: {fullPath} / {_locals ()}")
match extension with
| ".fsproj" -> ()
| _ -> failwith "Invalid project file"
let runtimes =
|> List.singleton
|> Option.defaultValue [ "linux-x64"; "win-x64" ]
let outputDir = outputDir |> Option.defaultValue "dist"
|> (fun runtime -> async {
let command = $@"dotnet publish ""{path}"" --configuration Release --output ""{outputDir}"" --runtime {runtime}"
let! exitCode, _result =
SpiralRuntime.execution_options (fun x ->
{ x with
l0 = command
l6 = Some fileDir
|> SpiralRuntime.execute_with_options_async
return exitCode
|> Async.Sequential
|> Array.sum
In [ ]:
let inline persistCodeProject packages modules name hash code = async {
trace Debug
(fun () -> "persistCodeProject")
(fun () -> $"packages: {packages} / modules: {modules} / name: {name} / hash: {hash} / code.Length: {code |> String.length} / {_locals ()}")
let workspaceRoot = SpiralFileSystem.get_workspace_root ()
let targetDir =
let targetDir = workspaceRoot </> "target/Builder" </> name
match hash with
| Some hash -> targetDir </> "packages" </> hash
| None -> targetDir
targetDir |> System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory |> ignore
let filePath = targetDir </> $"{name}.fs" |> System.IO.Path.GetFullPath
do! code |> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_exists filePath
let modulesCode =
|> (fun path -> $"""<Compile Include="{workspaceRoot </> path}" />""")
|> SpiralSm.concat "\n "
let fsprojPath = targetDir </> $"{name}.fsproj"
let fsprojCode = $"""<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('FreeBSD'))">
<PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Linux'))">
<PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))">
<PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows'))">
<Compile Include="{filePath}" />
<Import Project="{workspaceRoot}/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets" />
do! fsprojCode |> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_exists fsprojPath
let paketReferencesPath = targetDir </> "paket.references"
let paketReferencesCode =
"FSharp.Core" :: packages
|> SpiralSm.concat "\n"
do! paketReferencesCode |> SpiralFileSystem.write_all_text_exists paketReferencesPath
return fsprojPath
In [ ]:
let inline buildCode runtime packages modules outputDir name code = async {
let! fsprojPath = code |> persistCodeProject packages modules name None
let! exitCode = fsprojPath |> buildProject runtime outputDir
if exitCode <> 0 then
let! fsprojText = fsprojPath |> SpiralFileSystem.read_all_text_async
trace Critical
(fun () -> "buildCode")
(fun () -> $"code: {code |> SpiralSm.ellipsis_end 400} / fsprojText: {fsprojText} / {_locals ()}")
return exitCode
In [ ]:
//// test
"1 + 1 |> ignore"
|> buildCode None [] [] None "test1"
|> Async.runWithTimeout 180000
|> _assertEqual (Some 0)
00:00:01 d #1 persistCodeProject / packages: [] / modules: [] / name: test1 / hash: / code.Length: 15 00:00:02 d #2 buildProject / fullPath: /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj 00:00:05 d #1 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { file_name = dotnet; arguments = US5_0 "publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime linux-x64"; options = { command = dotnet publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime linux-x64; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = [||]; on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1" } } 00:00:05 v #2 > Determining projects to restore... 00:00:06 v #3 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:06 v #4 > The last full restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do. 00:00:06 v #5 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:06 v #6 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:06 v #7 > Restoring /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj 00:00:06 v #8 > Starting restore process. 00:00:06 v #9 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:07 v #10 > Restored /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj (in 311 ms). 00:00:09 v #11 > /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fs(1,16): warning FS0988: Main module of program is empty: nothing will happen when it is run [/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj] 00:00:09 v #12 > test1 -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/bin/Release/net9.0/linux-x64/test1.dll 00:00:10 v #13 > test1 -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/dist 00:00:10 d #14 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { exit_code = 0; output_length = 911 } 00:00:10 d #15 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { file_name = dotnet; arguments = US5_0 "publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime win-x64"; options = { command = dotnet publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime win-x64; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = [||]; on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1" } } 00:00:10 v #16 > Determining projects to restore... 00:00:11 v #17 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:11 v #18 > The last full restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do. 00:00:11 v #19 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:11 v #20 > Restored /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj (in 269 ms). 00:00:13 v #21 > /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fs(1,16): warning FS0988: Main module of program is empty: nothing will happen when it is run [/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/test1.fsproj] 00:00:13 v #22 > test1 -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/bin/Release/net9.0/win-x64/test1.dll 00:00:14 v #23 > test1 -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test1/dist 00:00:14 d #24 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { exit_code = 0; output_length = 701 } Some 0
In [ ]:
//// test
"1 + a |> ignore"
|> buildCode None [] [] None "test2"
|> Async.runWithTimeout 180000
|> _assertEqual (Some 2)
00:00:10 d #3 persistCodeProject / packages: [] / modules: [] / name: test2 / hash: / code.Length: 15 00:00:10 d #4 buildProject / fullPath: /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj 00:00:14 d #25 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { file_name = dotnet; arguments = US5_0 "publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime linux-x64"; options = { command = dotnet publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime linux-x64; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = [||]; on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2" } } 00:00:14 v #26 > Determining projects to restore... 00:00:15 v #27 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:15 v #28 > The last full restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do. 00:00:15 v #29 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:15 v #30 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:15 v #31 > Restoring /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj 00:00:15 v #32 > Starting restore process. 00:00:15 v #33 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:16 v #34 > Restored /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj (in 263 ms). 00:00:17 v #35 > /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fs(1,5): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'a' is not defined. [/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj] 00:00:17 d #36 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { exit_code = 1; output_length = 704 } 00:00:17 d #37 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { file_name = dotnet; arguments = US5_0 "publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime win-x64"; options = { command = dotnet publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "dist" --runtime win-x64; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = [||]; on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2" } } 00:00:18 v #38 > Determining projects to restore... 00:00:18 v #39 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:18 v #40 > The last full restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do. 00:00:18 v #41 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:19 v #42 > Restored /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj (in 269 ms). 00:00:20 v #43 > /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fs(1,5): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'a' is not defined. [/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fsproj] 00:00:20 d #44 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { exit_code = 1; output_length = 496 } 00:00:17 c #5 buildCode / code: 1 + a |> ignore / fsprojText: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>net9.0</TargetFramework> <LangVersion>preview</LangVersion> <RollForward>Major</RollForward> <TargetLatestRuntimePatch>true</TargetLatestRuntimePatch> <PublishAot>false</PublishAot> <PublishTrimmed>false</PublishTrimmed> <PublishSingleFile>true</PublishSingleFile> <SelfContained>true</SelfContained> <Version>0.0.1-alpha.1</Version> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('FreeBSD'))"> <DefineConstants>_FREEBSD</DefineConstants> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Linux'))"> <DefineConstants>_LINUX</DefineConstants> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))"> <DefineConstants>_OSX</DefineConstants> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows'))"> <DefineConstants>_WINDOWS</DefineConstants> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <Compile Include="/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/test2/test2.fs" /> </ItemGroup> <Import Project="/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets" /> </Project> Some 2
In [ ]:
let inline readFile path = async {
let! code = path |> SpiralFileSystem.read_all_text_async
let code = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (
@"( *)(let\s+main\s+.*?\s*=)",
fun m -> m.Groups.[1].Value + "[<EntryPoint>]\n" + m.Groups.[1].Value + m.Groups.[2].Value
let codeTrim = code |> SpiralSm.trim_end [||]
if codeTrim |> SpiralSm.ends_with "\n()"
then codeTrim |> SpiralSm.slice 0 ((codeTrim |> String.length) - 3)
else code
In [ ]:
let inline buildFile runtime packages modules path = async {
let fullPath = path |> System.IO.Path.GetFullPath
let dir = fullPath |> System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName
let name = fullPath |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
let! code = fullPath |> readFile
return! code |> buildCode runtime packages modules (dir </> "dist" |> Some) name
In [ ]:
let inline persistFile packages modules path = async {
let fullPath = path |> System.IO.Path.GetFullPath
let name = fullPath |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
let! code = fullPath |> readFile
return! code |> persistCodeProject packages modules name None
In [ ]:
type Arguments =
| [<Argu.ArguAttributes.MainCommand; Argu.ArguAttributes.ExactlyOnce>] Path of path : string
| [<Argu.ArguAttributes.Unique>] Packages of packages : string list
| [<Argu.ArguAttributes.Unique>] Modules of modules : string list
| [<Argu.ArguAttributes.Unique>] Runtime of runtime : string
| [<Argu.ArguAttributes.Unique>] Persist_Only
interface Argu.IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage =
match s with
| Path _ -> nameof Path
| Packages _ -> nameof Packages
| Modules _ -> nameof Modules
| Runtime _ -> nameof Runtime
| Persist_Only -> nameof Persist_Only
In [ ]:
//// test
Argu.ArgumentParser.Create<Arguments>().PrintUsage ()
"USAGE: dotnet-repl [--help] [--packages [<packages>...]] [--modules [<modules>...]] [--runtime <runtime>] [--persist-only] <path> PATH: <path> Path OPTIONS: --packages [<packages>...] Packages --modules [<modules>...] Modules --runtime <runtime> Runtime --persist-only Persist_Only --help display this list of options. "
In [ ]:
let main args =
let argsMap = args |> Runtime.parseArgsMap<Arguments>
let path =
match argsMap.[nameof Arguments.Path] with
| [ Arguments.Path path ] -> Some path
| _ -> None
|> Option.get
let packages =
match argsMap |> Map.tryFind (nameof Arguments.Packages) with
| Some [ Arguments.Packages packages ] -> packages
| _ -> []
let modules =
match argsMap |> Map.tryFind (nameof Arguments.Modules) with
| Some [ Arguments.Modules modules ] -> modules
| _ -> []
let runtime =
match argsMap |> Map.tryFind (nameof Arguments.Runtime) with
| Some [ Arguments.Runtime runtime ] -> Some runtime
| _ -> None
let persistOnly = argsMap |> Map.containsKey (nameof Arguments.Persist_Only)
if persistOnly
then path |> persistFile packages modules |> (fun _ -> 0)
else path |> buildFile runtime packages modules
|> Async.runWithTimeout (60000 * 60)
|> function
| Some exitCode -> exitCode
| None -> 1
In [ ]:
//// test
let args =
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "ARGS"
|> SpiralRuntime.split_args
|> Result.toArray
|> Array.collect id
match args with
| [||] -> 0
| args -> if main args = 0 then 0 else failwith "main failed"
00:00:17 d #6 persistCodeProject / packages: [Argu; FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq; System.Reactive.Linq] / modules: [deps/spiral/lib/spiral/common.fsx; deps/spiral/lib/spiral/sm.fsx; deps/spiral/lib/spiral/crypto.fsx; ... ] / name: Builder / hash: / code.Length: 8210 00:00:17 d #7 buildProject / fullPath: /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/Builder.fsproj 00:00:21 d #45 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { file_name = dotnet; arguments = US5_0 "publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/Builder.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/apps/builder/dist" --runtime linux-x64"; options = { command = dotnet publish "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/Builder.fsproj" --configuration Release --output "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/apps/builder/dist" --runtime linux-x64; cancellation_token = None; environment_variables = [||]; on_line = None; stdin = None; trace = true; working_directory = Some "/home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder" } } 00:00:21 v #46 > Determining projects to restore... 00:00:21 v #47 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:21 v #48 > The last full restore is still up to date. Nothing left to do. 00:00:21 v #49 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:22 v #50 > Paket version 9.0.2+a9b12aaeb8d8d5e47a415a3442b7920ed04e98e0 00:00:22 v #51 > Restoring /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/Builder.fsproj 00:00:22 v #52 > Starting restore process. 00:00:22 v #53 > Total time taken: 0 milliseconds 00:00:23 v #54 > Restored /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/Builder.fsproj (in 287 ms). 00:00:32 v #55 > Builder -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/target/Builder/Builder/bin/Release/net9.0/linux-x64/Builder.dll 00:00:33 v #56 > Builder -> /home/runner/work/polyglot/polyglot/apps/builder/dist 00:00:33 d #57 runtime.execute_with_options_async / { exit_code = 0; output_length = 690 }